Chapter 34 - (Just Left)

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“I followed you.”

My eyes widened at him. Did that mean he heard the whole thing with Sarah and Nadia? My heart beat fast in my chest almost breaking it.

“I didn’t mean to listen,” He said slowly then looked at the ground.

The silent between us was too loud to pare. I was freaking out mentally about what he heard. Did he hear that my own little sister was giving away drugs to her friends for free?

Did he hear my threat to Sarah? Maybe he did and he thinks I did a good thing by protecting my sister?

But what if he wants to tell on her? What would I do then?

Yes, I hated Nadia. She was a brat but she was my sister and I had to protect her. If anything it was my fault she was like that.

“Maggie,” He said in a low voice, “I-I,” He took a deep breath and his eyes looked everywhere but at me. What was so hard for him to say? “I can’t believe I let you fool me.” He creased his eye brows in disbelieve.

“Fool you?” I creased my eyebrows at him.

“You,” He shook his head a little, “You lied to me.” His voice came out distant and filled with hurt.

“What?” I asked confused about everything. What was he talking about? I didn’t lie to him?

“I have to go.” He finally said then turned on his heel and left me speechless. What happened just now?

It took me a few seconds for my mind to take what happened in then I realized he left. Running after him out of this hall into the party, I saw him pushing his way through the people and rudely refused taking a picture with anyone as he made his way to the private area.

What was going on with him? Why did he run off like that and not even tell me what was going on? And what did he mean by I fooled him and lied to him?

Running after him, an arm clutch on mine, making me turn my head to see my mother. “Come on, Maggie. We have candles to blow.” She yelled through the loud music.

“Nadia can blow them herself.” I said quite rudely to her.

“No, we have to do this as a family.” She said sternly.

Sighing, I gave up and followed her but taking one last glance at the private area where I saw Zayn talking to his mother, making my heart sink a little in my chest.

What was he telling her? My head was spinning around trying to figure out what could I had possibly said that was a lie to him?

“Can we have the birthday girl and her family on stage please? It’s cake time.” The same guy from the beginning of the party announced in the mic with a little too much excitement.

My mother had to literally drag me to the stage, where I tried to steal a few glances at the private area but I couldn’t see anything so I just watched Nadia put on a show to blow those damn candles.

The man did another magic trick to make the cake ‘magically’ appear in front of us. It was a huge cake with purple and black frosting on top and a huge guitar and rock’n’roll sign on top. It looked really cool.

After Nadia finished her ‘Oh wow, thank you for the cake’ show, dad announced he had a present for her, as if that party wasn’t too much already. He gave her a car. A freaking car!

It was an Audi. I wasn’t a car person so I didn’t know the exact model or whatever but it looked expensive, very expensive.

Rolling my eyes at my dad’s obvious spoiling of Nadia, I waited for all of these shenanigans to be done with so I could go talk to Zayn already.

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