Chapter 23 - (Erik)

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I couldn’t believe my eyes, the girl that the guy was kissing was Ella. My old friend.

What was she doing here? How did she know that guy in the first place? Why were they kissing? There were too many questions running through my mind as I watched them sit down and order.

I felt betrayed again. How could she come apologize to me at that super market when she was working with Sarah again?

Even though that only confirmed my already existing doubts about her, it still hurt to know that it wasn’t all in my head and that it was real.

Feeling angry, I didn’t even notice my feet moving me outside the apartment and downstairs toward the café. I didn’t even know why I went there but all I had in mind was anger. I bet she was going to manipulate me if I let her the other day.

“Maggie.” She yelled when she saw me, her face let up like she was happy to see me or something? I was confused but I wasn’t going to let her manipulate me into being a part of whatever evil plan she, Sarah and that creepy dude had.

“Hey, Ella. What a nice surprise.” I faked a smile as I decided to play it dumb, pretending like we didn’t have a big fight just a week or so ago.

“Yes it is indeed. What are you doing here?” She asked still smiling. Oh how I wished I could just punch her and whip that smile of her face.

“I live in this building. What are you doing here?” I asked, still keeping that fake smile on.

“Oh, yeah. I totally forgot. I just came for a cup of coffee with my boyfriend, Erik.” She pointed at that creepy guy. So that’s his name, Erik. It doesn’t even suit him at all.

“Hey.” I waved at him as he just nodded acknowledging my presence, giving me a weird look.

“Erik, this is my old friend that I used to tell you about, Maggie Saeed.” She introduced me and his face expression changed when he heard my name.

Wait, did she just say she used to talk about me? What did she tell him? And why was he giving me that weird creepy look? He was eyeing me like I was some kind of prey. That just sent shivers down my spine.

“Nice to meet you.” He said in a very deep voice that sent shivers down my spine extending his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand and forced another smile. Everything about this guy creeps me out. His voice, his looks, even the way he shook my hand.

“Why don’t you join us?” Ella offered in her puppy way, it was so fake. I could see right through it. But I was too curious about why they were here to refuse her offer.

“Okay maybe for a quick catch up.” That fake smile never leaving my face. I pulled in a chair from an empty table next to theirs, “So?” I didn’t actually have anything to say but I just wanted to open some sort of conversation, “Didn’t you have blond hair last week?”

“Oh, yeah, I just got bored of it so I dyed it again.” She shrugged, “Plus, Erik loves black more than blond.” She winked at him smirking and I gagged silently.

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