Chapter 7 - (The After Shock)

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Silence filled the room after Sarah left. Everyone was still in shock about what just had happened.

But that wasn’t the reason I was dumbfounded for, I knew something was going to happen. Sarah can’t just leave like a normal human being. No, she has to make a scene and be the center of attention, keeping all eyes on her. ‘Admiring her strong, independent personality’ as she would put it.

I was so shocked she brought up Aliya Kareem into this. I mean how dare she speak of poor Aliya like some kind of an example set to warn off people of ever defying her.

“You are not going to continue living with that girl Aaroosa.” Sarwat was the first to break the silence and get me out of my thoughts.

“What? Sarwat, where is she going to live? She still has school.” Maryum tried to reason with her. Her decision came out of nowhere, startling all of us.

“She can stay with us. I have an extra bed, she can sleep in it.” Waliyha offered suddenly and all eyes turned on her.

Waliyha looked at me as if silently asking my opinion and I nodded immediately.

 It actually made sense to have Aaroosa stay with us, she practically lives here anyway. And we go everywhere together so why not just move in.

 “But what about all of her stuff? There is no place for them here.” Jawaad asked, making a good point. The apartment was big but not big enough for all of her stuff.

“We’ll move them back home. She can only keep the necessities.” Sarwat said, “Let’s go take the things you need now.” She was so keen on getting her daughter out of that place as soon as possible, she asked all of us to go help Aaroosa with her stuff.

I couldn’t understand Sarwat rush on getting Aaroosa out of their but I knew it was the right thing to do. Sarah was not a good person to hang around, let alone live with. But good thing Aaroosa never liked her anyway. She sensed something was off about her from day one, I never knew how she could sense something like that. But I learned to trust Aaroosa’s instinct from that day on.

After spending about an hour or a little more backing and moving things from one apartment to the other we were exhausted. Lucky thing for us, Sarah wasn’t there so Aaroosa left her a note saying she moved out and she’ll get the rest of her stuff in a day or two.

“It’s 9 pm and that girl isn’t even in the apartment.” Sarwat ranted, “Thank god Aaroosa doesn’t have to live with her anymore, what girl stays out at this time of the night alone? I’ll have to have a word with her mother about all of this.” Sarwat was more than pissed about this whole situation. Trisha and Maryum would talk with her from time to time but the rest of us stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say.

“I didn’t even like that girl, but I’m going to miss her plasma screen.” Aaroosa whispered to me and Jawaad and we tried hard to suppress our laugh so Sarwat won’t notice us.

“Jawaad,” Trisha yelled from the kitchen. ”Get your mom’s purse, we are leaving.”

Jawaad went to search for his mom’s purse while I went to the kitchen to say goodbye to everyone.

“You are leaving already?” Waliyha asked, giving her mom a long hug.

“Yes hunny, we have to go. Your father can’t go home to find an empty house.” Trisha pouted as she hugged her back, feeling sad to leave her daughter for another month. I could sense how close Waliyha was to her mother. Every time they parted, they would get emotional and it just makes me jealous. I wish I had that kind of relationship with my mother.

 “I’m sorry that the end of the party got ruined.” I said them, saying our goodbyes and they were on their way out.

“For what hunny? It wasn’t your fault.” Sarwat smiled at me assuringly then kissed me on the cheek and they left.

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