Chapter 30 - (Admitting)

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Changing into one of my more comfortable outfits, I decided to ignore my family until dinner time. That should give them enough time to forget about the ‘conversation’ we had earlier. That was  our way of dealing with things, just forget about everything if enough time had passed.

The reason I came here was to connect with my family but all we did was fight. How typical of us.

Sighing I got my phone out of my bag and opened Skype. Searching through the online contacts, I couldn’t find Tasneem’s name in them. Does this girl ever open her Skype?

Closing Skype, I opened twitter knowing fully well that Tasneem was addicted to it. Ignoring my many notifications and DMs, I went straight to Tasneem’s profile. Her name was changed into ‘inactive bc exams’. How great.

Her last tweet was yesterday, that wasn’t so long ago. Maybe she checks every now and then? I decided to DM her to open Skype anyway.

Getting bored of waiting for her reply after about five minutes, I decided to spend some time on twitter until she comes online. It wasn’t like I had anything better to do. So I just scrolled through my mentions.

It was mostly those update accounts talking about the picture that Nadia showed me earlier. Rolling my eyes at how empty these people’s life was, I kept scrolling down till I noticed one of the tweets that caught my eye. It was the same as the others but it had Maya’s username in it.

Feeling tempted to check her tweets. I opened her profile and just smiled at how cute it was. The profile picture was that picture she was with us in it, the background was a collage of the old ones that got leaked before, the whole thing was just the cutest and I wished it was real but I knew better to believe in it.

Sighing, I scrolled down her tweets and furrowed my eyebrows. How did she know some of these things?

There were some facts about me in there that I wasn’t sure how she got them. Some of them were real and others were just plain weird;

Maggie’s favorite color is black.”

“Maggie was a huge fan of one direction before she started to date Zayn.”

“Maggie had a fake tattoo of yin yang on her rest when she was 14, *a picture of my tattoo*”

“Baby Maggie and Baby Zayn, *Picture of 3 years old me and next to me a baby Zayn.* they would make beautiful babies.”

There were many tweets like that but I just stopped scrolling down them. How did she get those pictures? And how the hell did she know some of those things? Heck I didn’t even remember taking a picture of my fake tattoos.

Did she know about my past too? She seems to know so much about so many things that I thought no one knew about.

Scrolling down her tweets fast, I tried to look for anything that might hint to my past but thankfully I couldn’t find anything but a picture with Ella. I was wearing an over-sized shirt my bottom part wasn’t showing. I had my tongue out and I was making the rock-n-roll sign while Ella had a cigarette between her fingers while she was huffing out a cloud of smoke from her lips. 

The picture wasn’t the worst one I had with Ella, at least I wasn’t wearing anything too exposing but still it was a bad image for me. I hated it so much and I just wanted Maya to delete it.

Just as I was clicking on that reply button to tell Maya to remove that picture, my Skype started to ring, it was Tasneem.

“Hey.” I smiled answering her call.

“Hey there strange.” She teased.

“Ha, very funny.” I rolled my eyes playfully.

“I know, I’m hilarious,” She smirked, “How have you been babe?”

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