Chapter 18 - (Rumors)

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“Guys you have to come see this.”

Zayn and I looked at each other frowning our brows then looked back at Aaroosa.

“Well, don’t just stand there, c’mon.” Aaroosa raised an eyebrow at us, moving her index finger telling us to follow her as she walked out the room. Following her to the living room, we found Waliyha and Jawaad watching the TV with way too much interest in one of those celebrity news programs.

“Why are you watching a gossip show?” I was confused. I thought something important was up.

“Just listen.” Waliyha said turning the volume up a bit.

The young star has been posting pictures on his Instagram account confirming the rumors about Jelena getting back together.”  I creased my eyebrows together at Aaroosa and Waliyha, not understanding what was so important in ‘Jelena’ getting back together or not. Why should I care who dates who? 

“Wait for it.” Aaroosa said after reading my confused look and Zayn’s bored look. I guess he is not into gossip as well.

They are very much in love and our source told us Justin hadn’t felt this happy in a long time” I rolled my eyes, I hate gossip programs. So can someone tell me why I have to watch this again?

Well we wish the happy couple all the best,” The blond woman said with a fake smile on her face, “I know all of you are waiting for the exclusive news that we promised you about the one and only Zayn Malik.” The blonde woman said excitedly as the camera zoomed in on her. I paid a little more attention to the program now that she mentioned Zayn. “Tune in after the break to find out who is Zayn Malik secret girlfriend.” The screen showed a picture of Zayn’s back with his head tilted to the side and in front of him there was a girl.

She wasn’t tall or short, she reached just about Zayn’s chest. Her head wasn’t noticeable because Zayn was blocking the view. All you could see of her was her black skirt and jean jacket, and I think there is something pink on her shoulder.

Wait a minute, is that….

My eyes opened wide with shock as I realized that the girl in front of Zayn was in fact me. I was wearing the same clothes that I have on right now; my long black dress with the jean jacket over it and my pink scarf wrapped tightly around my head.

Tilting my head, I noticed they were all trying to take my reaction in; even Zayn who was still in shock himself.

The music was back on after the commercials were over and that annoyed blonde came back on the screen, “So, we have teased you guys enough with this picture and we decided to give you the full news about Zayn Malik’s current status.”

The screen changed from showing the middle aged blond to a clearer picture of me and Zayn walking down the street. I was looking at the shop windows while Zayn was looking at me. He looked so perfect with his tall body and his dazzling eyes while I looked horrible; I was short compared to him and even though the dress covered my fat areas I still looked a bit chubby compared to him.

This picture has been online for a day now and the fans have been going crazy trying to find out who this mystery girl is. So we took it upon ourselves to do a little research and we found out.” My heart dropped when I heard her words. What exactly did they find out? I silently prayed it was nothing to do with my past.

Showing another picture of me on campus, the woman started to talk again. ”Her name is Maggie Saeed, she is 19 and she is a student in London’s academy studying business. Her dad is an Egyptian man who came to the UK in a secret terrorist organization. ” I felt a small lump in my throat as my eyes shot wide open. Did she just call my dad a terrorist?

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