Chapter 37 - (Another Side)

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After spending at least an hour on the swing in which I checked my phone for messages or calls from either Zayn or even Jawaad, I finally gave up and decided to walk back home.

On my way back, my mind drifted to what Jawaad and Zayn might be doing right now. Did Jawaad talk to Zayn? Did he tell him my side? Would Zayn give me a chance to talk to him?

What was taking them so long? All Jawaad needed to do, was tell Zayn that I needed to talk to him. Just to talk. Why was he being so hard?

Walking with a million thought on my mind, I didn’t even notice I was walking straight into someone’s back making them trip over their own feet.

“I’m so sorry. I wasn-“ I cut myself mid-sentence when I realized it was Ella.

We stood in front of each other in complete silence, just eyeing one another. I felt anger grow inside of me just by looking at her. I was still pretty pissed about what she got my sister involved in.

“It’s okay,” She smiled weakly at me, “erm, How are you Maggie?” She asked hesitantly.

 “Like you care how I am.” I spat at her. I realize what I said was considered mean but I didn’t care. I just despised her way too much to make an effort and be nice.

“I do care,” she said in a low voice, “Look, I know you think I’m still the girl I was in high school-“

“No, I don’t,” I interrupted her fast, “You are much worse that her.”

“I’m sorry that you think so poorly of m but if y-“ I interrupted her again.

“Are you for real?” I yelled in anger and frustration, ”What? What can you possibly say to justify what you did? You could have been caught and then what? Nadia could have gone to jail because of you.”

My voice was loud and I’m sure I was making a scene in the street but I couldn’t control myself. It was like I was taking it all on her; All my anger because of what she and Sarah did and also all of my frustration and hurt that I felt from Zayn’s cold treatment towards me.

“I understand your anger.” She said in a quiet voice, her head hang low in shame but that only made me madder.

“No you don’t! I can’t believe I let you almost fool me when you begged for forgiveness. I thought we were friends. I thought you cared for me. But all along you were stabbing me in the back, like you always do.” I spat in a loud voice. I didn’t need to yell but in a way it made me feel better about everything.

 “You don’t know the full story!” She yelled back, her voice reeked hurt and frustration.

“Then tell me.” I put my arms together.

“I-I can’t tell you everything,” I rolled my eyes. Of course, “but just know that I’m not doing what you think I’m doing. And that I was protecting Nadia from the start.” Oh please like I was going to believe her.

I was about to just leave her alone when I felt a buzz in my pocket. My eyes shot open and I froze in my place, fishing for my phone in a hurry. Opening my lock, I noticed a new message from an unknown number.

I tried everything with Zayn. He told me to tell you to stop lying, Sarah told him everything. He didn’t explain more than that. Sorry Maggs, -Jay.

He was still mad at me? Jawaad couldn’t make it better? I felt like a knife just cut through my heart. He thought I lied to him? I didn’t understand anything.

Re-reading the message, one sentence caught my attention, ‘Sarah told him everything.’

Looking up at Ella, my hurt and gloom turned to anger fast. Her! It was all because of her and her friend from hell. She was the reason behind every bad thing that ever happened.

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