Chapter 27 - (Date?)

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Hearing Zayn chuckle at my embarrassment made my already flushed faced even more red. If that was even possible, “Are you hungry babe?” He smirked.

“Shut up,” I tried to hide my embarrassment with an attitude but he was still smirking at me, “I’m going to eat my strawberry flavored yoghurt.” I stuck my tongue out like a baby.

“Yoghurt? That’s all you are going to eat?” He raised his eyebrow at me.

“Strawberry flavored yoghurt.” I corrected him as I walked to where I placed the bags I got from the market.

“Oh yeah, cause strawberry flavored yoghurt is any better.” He smirked.

“Yeah, I like it. Thank you very much.” I rolled my eyes as I got myself a spoon and started eating my yoghurt.

“Okay, well after you finish your yoghurt how about we go out to have a real meal.” He stressed on ‘real’ making me flush a slight shade of red.

“I’m fine with my yoghurt.” I said harshly in a defensive way.

“Well, I’m starving and a yoghurt won’t do it for me.” He said in a soft voice noticing my change in attitude.

“Okay, you can go eat.” I said in the same defensive attitude, waving him of. I wasn’t trying to be rude which I might seem to be right now but I didn’t want to eat and get fat. A yoghurt would give me energy with no fat and at the same time I didn’t want anyone to notice what I was doing, or avoid doing.

“I don’t like to eat alone,” He pouted like a child, “Please come with me?”

He looked so cute pouting like that and I couldn’t refuse now, “Fine, but I’m not going to eat! As I said I’m fine with my yoghurt.” 

 “Whatever babe,” He rolled his eyes, “Now finish up, I’m starving.” He smirked.

“Good, cause you are annoying.” I teased him.

“I’m annoying?” He faked a shocked and hurt expression and I nodded with a smirk then continued eating.

After I finished my yoghurt, Zayn was literally dragging me to the nearest restaurant so he can eat. I guess he was really hungry.

We got stopped a couple of times for  some girls to take a picture with Zayn as I stood out of their way but watching him with other girls hugging or whatever makes me a bit mad. There was no real reason to why I was mad. Maybe it was just my still hungry mind going crazy.

The restaurant was quiet and there weren’t many people there as it was just past lunch time. We sat at the far table at the end of the restaurant that had a nice view of a park with kids playing. It might not be the best of views but I just love watching kids play and laugh.

“Have you been here before?” I asked as I checked the restaurant out. It was actually really nice. Why didn’t I notice it before?

“No, but my friend did and he says it’s-“ Zayn was interrupted by the waitress who startled Zayn a bit making me giggle.

“Can I he-,” the waitress who I recognized from earlier in the market, paused and her eyes widened, “Oh My god, this is definitely my lucky day.” I smiled at her as she squealed.

“Hey Maya,” I greeted with the biggest smile ever, “What a nice surprise to see you here.”

“I can’t even-“ she stopped when she noticed Zayn next to her, her eyes widened, “Oh. My. God. You are- “ She began to tear up then took some deep breathes to talk, “y-you are Z-Zayn Malik.”

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