Chapter 12 - (Awkwardness)

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The rest of the day was very awkward between Zayn and I, we walked for about 10 minutes in silence till we saw Waliyha and the others. We hung out for an hour or maybe more, then the girls and I went back home as we had lectures in the morning while Zayn and Jawaad went to Zayn’s house.

“My legs hurt from all of the walking we did.” Waliyha complained as soon as we entered our apartment, throwing her tired body on the couch and putting her legs up on the table.

“What do you think you are doing?” I scolded her, raising one eyebrow.

“What?” She looked at me with confusion.

“Get your stinky feet of my table.” I said in a motherly tone. I hate the fact that I do act like a mother when it comes to cleaning but I hate mess and sloppiness, it just raises my stress level and agitation over the roof.

“Okay mom.” She mocked me, but I didn’t care. I was already on the edge because of all of the mess that Jawaad and Zayn did when they moved Aaroosa’s furniture in.

“Urg, I’m so tired. Why do we have UNI in the morning for?” Aaroosa Whined and I ignored her. I wasn’t in the best of moods to be fair and if I talked I’ll just yell at them for this mess.

“I’m going to bed.” I sighed and entered my room.

Pushing the boxes aside to make a path for myself to get to Aaroosa’s dresser that she gave to me as she didn’t need it anymore, she shared Waliyha’s closet and room now. I got out my pajamas and changed into them quickly.

I lay on the bed, my body was tired from all of the walking and I needed sleep but my mind wouldn’t have it. I began recalling today’s events. How it started with the awkwardness between Zayn and me, and ended with an awkward situation between us.

I don’t even know why we end up being awkward around each other, we are just friends right? Friends shouldn’t be awkward around each other. But why are we?

Are we even friends? I mean yes, we do hang out with each other a lot but that’s only because I’m his sister’s roommate and he kind of has to hang out with me, doesn’t he? No he doesn’t. He can easily ask Waliyha and Aaroosa to come to his house instead of him always coming to ours, then why do we always end up not knowing how to act around each other? I don’t even know.

I’m so confused; I don’t even understand my own feeling towards him nor do I understand how he acts around me. Do I want to be friends? Do I want more? Does he want to be friends? Does he was more or does he even not care about me in that way?

My mind was over thinking it, making me more tired than I already am and soon I drifted off to sleep.


Opening my eyes, I lazily laid on my bed reminiscing on those extra minutes of sleep before my alarm went off. A lot of time had passed which I spent turning from one side to the other on the bed waiting for the alarm to beep, but it didn’t. That's odd.

I lazily turned on my side and checked the time on my phone. Oh my god, its 7:20 AM. I must’ve not heard my alarm go off earlier.

 I jumped off my bed quickly running to the bathroom to wash up and clean my teeth. After I was done, I entered Waliyha's and Aaroosa’s room to check if they were up or not. Of course they were in deep sleep.

"Wake up, wake up." I removed the cover that was over Waliyha then did the same to Aaroosa's cover as they both whined and turned to sleep again, “its 7:30 guys. We are very late."

Aaroosa's eyes shot open, "What?" she shouted and quickly jumped off her bed, "Wake up Wali, your first lecture is in 30 minutes." She shouted as she ran to the bathroom.

Starting Over (Islamic Fiction, Z.M)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora