Chapter 26 - (concern)

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Hearing my bedroom door crack open, I was woken up but I was too lazy to open my eyes or get up.

“She’s still sleeping but she is okay.” I heard Waliyha whisper and I smile in my sleep. It was times like these when I felt most lucky to have a friend like her who would come to check on me in my sleep.

Slowly, she closed my door, careful not to wake me up. I was still in bed but I was wide awake. Hearing some noise outside then the front door close, I knew that Waliyha and Aaroosa went out for school and I was home alone now.

Being the lazy girl that I was, I laid on my bed just staring at the wall. My headache was almost non-existent but my body was aching from the too much sleep that I got over the last few days.

Rolling on my bed for another couple of minutes, I felt the need to get up and stretch but the second that my body left my warm bed the headache was back, the hammering in my head making me shut my eyes in pain. I stayed like that for a few seconds until I got used to the pain and I could open my eyes again.

Getting another painkiller from my night stand, I swallowed it with some water then I slowly got up from my bed and went to the kitchen to get my morning cup of tea. Maybe that would relax me a little.

Setting on my couch as I catch up to some random episode of soup operas, I heard my stomach growling in hunger, that’s when I realized that I hadn’t had a decent meal in almost three days and it was a miracle that I didn’t pass out till now.

Going to the kitchen to make myself a small breakfast to survive but not fatten up, I noticed that we were out of anything that wasn’t Nutella or pancakes. Rolling my eyes at how unhealthy our food was, I sighed and went to my room to change into anything quickly to go to the market. So I wore my usual black dress with my denim jean jacket and my pink scarf and I quickly grabbed my keys and went to the market.

Wondering down the aisles of the market, I got everything I could remember that was missing in our kitchen then went to stand in line to pay.

As I waited in line, I noticed how the cashier was giving me weird looks. Looking down at my clothes, I couldn’t find anything that looked unusual. Maybe there was something in my teeth? Putting my hand in my pocket, I searched for my phone to look at my reflection in the front camera but I noticed that it wasn’t there. Did I forget it at home?

Sighing, I gave up knowing there must be something in my face that wasn’t right or maybe it was just my ugly face making her give me those looks so I decided to pretend like I didn’t notice that that girl kept staring at me in a creepy way. But for the whole time I was queuing up to pay she kept giving me those weird looks that just made me feel so uncomfortable.

It was almost my time to pay and I didn’t know if I was glad I was almost out of here or annoyed that I would be face to face with that girl. It wasn’t like I can do anything about it, I needed to buy those things so I just had to swallow my anxiety about that girl and pay up then go home.

“Good morning.” I smiled politely as I put the things out of my pull card and on front of her to price them up for me but she just kept staring at me like I was out of this world, making me clear my throat in un-comfort.

“Sorry,” she giggled like a school girl even though she looked like she was in her late teen years, “I just- um, are you Maggie Saeed?” She asked in a hesitant way with her eyes open wide.

Creasing my eyebrows together, I slowly nodded not knowing how the hell did this girl know my name. Did we go to school together or something?

“Oh my god,” she exhaled slowly, “I can’t believe it.” She began to fan her face as she started to flush and tear up.

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