Chapter 34

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The other members were out when Kyungsoo woke up. And the thing is, he's left with Jongin sitting beside him. The two just on the edges of the sofa. Jongin glanced at the elder. I think it's time. He sighed before moving closer to his hyung. He left a little space before tapping his shoulder. Kyungsoo turned his head. His eyes went wider that the usual, realizing that Jongin was sitting close to him.

"Hyung. I-I think it's time for us to talk," he paused. Thinking about the right words he'll say, scared that he might hurt the elder. "I think we need to fix things." He said. Kyungsoo looked at him for a minute before clearing his throat.

"Yeah, I-I--"

"I'm sorry." Jongin said. Preventing his hyung to talk. "I'm sorry for breaking you. I'm sorry for being the reason of those tears falling from your eyes. Sorry if you think that I'm cheating on you. Sorry for not talking about this earlier. I'm sorry. I-I just have to do this. For you." Jongin said. Whispering the last lines. He didn't notice the tears falling from his eyes. He's just focusing on the male in front of him.

"Why are you doing this? Am I not enough?" Kyungsoo asked, voice cracking.

"No, no Kyungsoo. You are more than what I expected. You're more than everything and anything."

"Then why? Why do I have to be hurt like this? Why do we have to be like this?" Kyungsoo couldn't hold on his tears anymore. Jongin's heart broke into pieces. Seeing his lover being hurt, hurts him. But seeing his lover being hurt because of him is worse.

"I don't know." Jongin said, not aware of the words came out of his mouth.

"Bullshit!" That's when Kyungsoo walked out of the house. Wearing nothing but a pare of jeans and plain white shirt with a black converse. He didn't care about how cold it was. He just walked and walked and walked, until he reached a park. Few people were jogging around, kids playing and running around. They looked happy and contented, but Kyungsoo isn't. His eyes may look at their smiles, but he couldn't hear their laughter. He sees everything as black and white, the color of loneliness.

While looking around he suddenly felt something on his right cheek. He looked up only to see the sky crying.

The rain was soft, at first, but it started to get harder as Kyungsoo's tears join them. He can see people running away from the park to at least shield themselves from the rain. But he just stood their, letting the water clean him. He felt like the rain was the best thing he could relay on. He felt good with the rain. It feels, soft, sweet and warm. It somehow reminded him of home. He walked away from the park. I think this should end now.

He walked to their dorm. Not worrying about the faces that his members especially Baekhyun will give. They're all gone. He knows that they were still out, and Jongin, he would probably be out too. After what happened to their conversation earlier, there's nothing to doubt about the his reaction will be. He went in their dorm and headed straight in their room. He went to the bathroom and cleaned himself. After that he looked at the mirror right in front of the lavatory. He was about to go out when his eyes caught something.

A silver thing that lies on top of the small cabinet. He looked at it for minute and the next thing he knew, he was placing it near his forearm. He had gotten back to his senses when he suddenly hears their room's door opened. It would probably be Jongin. He took a piece of a tissue and wrapped it on the blade before putting it in his pocket. He went out their room, ignoring Jongin's presence and went on Baekhyun and Chanyeol's shared room. He went in without knocking.

"Kyungsoo-ah can you please at least knock next time?" Chanyeol said and continued what he's doing. Kyungsoo just rolled his eyes and went to sit beside Baekhyun.

"Problem?" He asked, even though he already knew that Kyungsoo has a problem. He always does.

"Can I sleep here?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Of course. But why?" Baekhyun felt bad about the outcome of the couple's relationship. They shouldn't be experiencing a problem like this. They shouldn't be like this.

"I don't want to sleep in our room. I feel uncomfortable." He said, emphasizing the word 'our'. Baekhyun could only nod in his statement and turned to talk to Chanyeol.

"Channy, can you sleep at Kyungsoo's room for this night?" He asked the giant. Chanyeol looked at him in confusion.

"Why?" He asked. Not knowing Kyungsoo's reason.

"Kyungsoo and I needed to talk about something. Just say yes." Baekhyun, half irritated, said. Chanyeol only nodded and stood up, leaving the two males.

"So, what's the deal?" Baekhyun directly asked Kyungsoo.

"What do you mean?" He said with a frown. He didn't want to talk about it for now. He wanted to rest, so bad that he want to sleep for the whole week.

"You won't just come over here and ask me if you could sleep here." Baekhyun said, being sassy in front of Kyungsoo. "Tell me Kyung, what happened?" He once again asked. Kyungsoo looked at him for a minute, running his fingers through his hair before answering.

"It's just that, Jongin and I talked. But it didn't went well. We just ended up fighting again." He said and heaved a heavy sigh.

"What did he told you?" The brunette asked.

"He said he's sorry." Kyungsoo said while playing the hem of his shirt. The following hours that was spend were filled by Kyungsoo's sobs. Baekhyun asked him about what happened and how he feels. He was just concerned about his best friend and he's worried about him.

He may determine anything in Kyungsoo's eyes, but still, he doesn't know everything in Kyungsoo's mind. He doesn't know what he may be thinking. He knows that Kyungsoo is an intelligent boy, people may think that he couldn't do such things, but who would know? They can't read Kyungsoo's mind. No one can judge a person by how he looks. As the quote said, don't judge a book by its covers.

The two male decided to get some sleep. Kyungsoo's tears were enough to end their conversation. Baekhyun knows that he's tired, dead tired. They both laid on their beds and bid each other their goodnights. Before closing his eyes he said,

"Everything will be alright. I guess."


Author's Note:

I'm really getting too emotional in this story. I kennat. The feels were too much to handle. Anyways, maybe I should inform you guys that this story will end soon. So I hope that we'll still hold on to Kaisoo. Here's the update and enjoy! ^-^

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