Chapter 36

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All of them stood outside Kyungsoo's hospital room. They decided to tell their manager that Kyungsoo is ill and he needed to see a doctor. Luckily, their manager agreed to take Kyungsoo to a private hospital. They all looked up when the door opened revealing the doctor with a thin metal plate in his hands. [A/N: I'm sorry but I don't know what it is called.]

"How is he doc?" Minseok worryingly asked.

"He's not that fine, he almost got a 40° temperature and we all know that it's bad. We also found a few cuts in his forearm. Did you know that he's hurting himself? It's a thing that you make to lessen the pain especially when you're depressed. You should check on and look over your friend to see what he's doing. It's not healthy to do self harm." The doctor said, leaving all of them speechless.

"Can we already visit him?" Baekhyun asked the doctor.

"Yes but you can't talk to him because he's asleep. He needs to gain back his strength, he's really weak right now. I can see that his body can give up anytime even if he's just having a fever. Make him rest and don't stress him. Now I'll leave him with you guys, I still need to check up on the other patients." The doctor said before leaving. Baekhyun, along with the other members entered the room. They all stood beside Kyungsoo's bed.

Gasps were all heard when they noticed the long cut in Kyungsoo's forearm. His sleeves was folded up to his elbow, showing his skin. They all sighed and shook their heads.

"This is obviously bad." Chen said while looking at Kyungsoo. They knew that he started to be like this when Jongin was issued to be in a relationship with Krystal. He started being cold, he rarely smile and he's not eating well. Even if Baekhyun always remind him to don't skip his meal, well he would eat something, but it's not enough. Baekhyun clenched his fists. He needs to talk to Jongin. He's the one to blame. Suho decided to call their manager to give some update on Kyungsoo's condition. He knows that they're dead worried about him.

After ending the call, Suho informed the other members about their manager's conversation. "Manager told me that we should go back to our dorm. They'll be taking care of it from here. They will call us for updates about Kyungie." Suho said before giving them a small smile. They all nodded and walked towards the door, except Baekhyun. He lowered himself to level his face near on Kyungsoo's.

"Everything will be alright, Soo. We'll always be here for you. Get well soon." He whispered before kissing his forehead. He walked to the door and went out with the others.

"Should I call Jongin?" Baekhyun glared at Chanyeol who's already holding his phone.

"No, he's out with that girl. He's nowhere to be seen." Baekhyun coldly said.


"JONGIN!!" Baekhyun yelled at Jongin, he just got home last night. Once he saw Jongin walking out of his room, he immediately walked up to him. He's mad at him for being the reason on Kyungsoo's recent condition.

"What now Baekhyun? If it's about Kyungsoo, I don't want to talk about it for now." He said. Baekhyun clenched his fist more until his hands were almost white. Jongin didn't want to talk about Kyungsoo for a while, it just hurts him that he's boyfriend is not doing good because of him. Guilt is hunting him every night. Slowly creeping up to his mind, drowning him in the dark.

"Oh yeah? You don't want to talk about Kyungsoo being rushed to the hospital?!" Baekhyun yelled again.

"What?" Jongin faintly said. He can't believe what he just heard. Kyungsoo was rushed to the hospital? He blinked for a few times and stared at Baekhyun. Ready to hear his words. He doesn't care if the male curses him to death, all he wanted to know is if Kyungsoo was okay. Of course Jongin, he's not okay. He's in the hospital, you dumb.

"You heard me. Goddamit Jongin! Your fucking boyfriend was suffering from fever last night. He almost got a 40° temperature! They wanted to tell you about it but I know that your flirting with that freak despite that Kyungsoo is your boyfriend and he's ill. How can you do that? You better get off your fucking ass here and go check on Kyungsoo. I heard he doesn't want to see you." He said before walking pass to Jongin.

He was about to take a step when he heard Baekhyun's voice again. "Oh, and you know what? Kyungsoo is harming himself because of you. We found a few cuts in his forearm and that's because of the pain you caused him. The doctor also said that Kyungsoo isn't that healthy, there's a possibility that his body would give up anytime." He said and left Jongin dumbfounded. Baekhyun told him that Kyungsoo doesn't what to see Jongin to make him feel the guilt more. He doesn't want to see his best friend like that. He wanted him to be okay.

While Jongin was walking to pass to the living room, he heard a deep voice. "I told you to take care of him, not to hurt him. But what are you doing? Why are the tables suddenly turned? I sacrificed my feelings for him because I know that he's happy with you. But why is he suffering? I'm warning you Jongin. Fix Kyungsoo's heart before it's too late." He said, making Jongin shiver. He sighed and went to the private hospital where Kyungsoo was confined. He asked for his room number and went to see Kyungsoo.

He stood in front of his door. Thinking if he should go in or should just go away. His having second thoughts. What if Kyungsoo don't want to see me for real? Their are so many questions of what ifs in his mind but he just swept then off. He needs to be positive. He needs to fix this. Kyungsoo is hurting because of him, he can't stand seeing him hurt more. He'd rather hurt himself than Kyungsoo. He wants him to be happy. He wants him to find himself again, to find the way back to light.

He'll do the right thing, he thinks. For Kyungsoo.

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