Chapter 37

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Jongin opened the door and walked quietly to on the chair beside Kyungsoo. He looked at him and held his hand tightly.

"I'm sorry," he paused and petted Kyungsoo's hair. Gently running his hand on it. "Sorry for hurting you like this. I could've said no but I need to. I need to do it for you. I can't let you lose your career. I want you to be always happy but seeing you like this really bothers me. I'm worried about you Kyungsoo. I'm worried because I love you. I may have hurt you because of the issue but believe me, I didn't want it. I don't want to be with her because you're the one I love. I just don't want you to lose your career." He paused to hold his tears. He can't cry in front of Kyungsoo. Not now. He looked at their hands.

"Jungsoo, our CEO, told me that he'll get you out of the group. He knew about our relationship and they want the both of us to leave, not unless one of us will accept a deal. I accepted it because I don't want you to sacrifice. They settled to link me on a dating issue to cover us up. They want us to be over, Kyungsoo. They want us to fall apart. You know I don't want it because I'll tell you for the nth time, I love you. I love you so much that--"

"I'd rather lose my career than losing you, Jongin." He was cut off by Kyungsoo's voice. He looked up only to see Kyungsoo looking back at him. He immediately hugged him and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"I'm sorry," he muttered. "But hyung, please, let's make it work. I want to fight for us, I want us to be fixed." Kyungsoo looked at him.

"I've already heard everything, Jongin. It's already enough. Your sorry can't do anything for now. After all, it already happened. We can do nothing about it. Maybe one day, when well meet by the street once were not all together as one anymore, you could somehow say that word again. Reserve it for the right time. But now, it can't do anything. Everything's too fucked up to fix, Jongin." He said and looked down. He's tired, he wants to take a rest. And he thinks that it's time. He had been through a lot. He wants this for the both of them. He wants to find his self again. Jongin held Kyungsoo's hands tighter.

He wants his hyung to be happy, and if setting him free would do. Then so be it. He sighed before he loosen his grip.

"I want us to be free, Jongin. Maybe what happened to us is just a wind passing by. Letting us realize that we should not take things too fast. It makes us realize that not all the people you met can stay. Some of them might, but not all of them. This pain teaches us a lesson. I'm sorry Jongin but, we should end this. Both of us will just be suffering. For us to save our dreams, we should stop this. In the future, if we'll still have the same feelings maybe we could make things right. If the both of us were truly meant for each other, even if how many times we'll separate, destiny will do anything and everything for us to meet again." He said and gave Jongin a warm smile. Both of them were aware of the tears running down from their eyes.

Jongin raised his hands to wipe Kyungsoo's tears. Maybe he's right, there's more waiting for the two of them. They haven't seen the world completely. They need time, time to understand all. They need time to fix it all. And when the time comes that they'll meet again, they'll know how to handle things right. Jongin sighed and smiled at Kyungsoo before releasing his hands.

"You're right, hyung. We need time. Time will fix us, time would heal those wounds I gave you. I'll set you free, for the both of us. For you." He said and kissed Kyungsoo's head before leaving the room. Once the door closed, Kyungsoo cried. He didn't expected them to end like this. He wanted him to stay but he's tired and he wants the both of them to explore life more. They're too young, there's so much that awaits them. They're too young for love, too young to hurt.

Kyungsoo looked up and wiped his tears. He took a deep breath before closing his eyes. He feels like giving up. It feels like he's heart beat is slowly dying.  At the very moment, he always feel the same, he feels nothing. Nothing but pain. Maybe this is meant to happen to teach them some things that they could've avoided. Like getting hurt. They shouldn't be hurting like this if they didn't only took things fast.

But he can't do anything right now. It's over, it's already done. And he's forcing his self that it's the right thing to do, even if it's not. Because he knows that they're both hurting and it's not good for their career. But career doesn't matter right know. All is that matter are their feelings. Those feelings that should remain from what it should be. Those feelings that shouldn't be fading, but now it does. As what they've said, treasure those things that you have before it could turn into what you had.

It their state, they treasured the things and memories they shared, the only difference is that it did still turned into only memories. Memories that cannot be continued. Maybe if they meet again, they could make new memories to replace the stained one, together.

Maybe someday...

One day, they could start all over again.

Maybe someday they would still feel the same.

All he could do now is hope.


Author's Note:

Yey! Should inform you guys, epilogue is coming. Dun dun dun dun~ LOL HAHAHAHAHA. So yep, keep holding onto Kaisoo guys. Here's the update. Enjoy~

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