Chapter 35

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Is also he can see.


Is all he can feel.

Kyungsoo had been sitting at the same chair for the past 30 minutes. They're having a break for their last rehearsal before the show starts. Jongin's not with them, of course. We all know that he's busy with her so called girlfriend. Attending some interviews with her rather than being with his co-members. Jongin's schedule were full of interviews with Krystal, asking them almost the same questions from the interviews they've gotten into.

He was scheduled also with her in different locations. Honestly, Jongin kinda like it to be away for some time. He wants to divert his attention. He wants to focus on something that could make him forget about having a misunderstanding with Kyungsoo.

On the other hand, Kyungsoo, who was still sitting and looking at nowhere, got back to his senses when Baekhyun snatched the bottle he was holding up to his mouth, attempting to already drink it.

"Your bottle is already empty." Baekhyun said as he handed a new water bottle to his friend. Kyungsoo muttered a 'thank you' before drinking.

"You okay? You've been sitting here since we're done rehearsing and your still sweating like that," he paused to wipe some of Kyungsoo's sweat. He looked at his friend with a worried face. "It's not normal, are you okay? You sick?" Yeah, sick and tired of life.

"I'm fine. There is nothing to worry about." He said and gave the brunette an assuring smile. Baekhyun could only look at him. Worrying about Kyungsoo's condition. Maybe he's just tired. He tried to wipe off the bad thoughts creeping to his mind. Thinking about Kyungsoo hurting himself is not a positive one to cheer himself up.


Few minutes before they perform, Baekhyun went to Kyungsoo.

"You really sure you're okay?" He asked.

"I'm okay. I told you for the second time, Baekhyun. There is nothing to worry about." He said. Baekhyun just sighed at his friend's dissing attitude. He could really be a bitch sometimes. They walked out of the stage when the show was already over. Everyone was tired because of the show. Once they've reached their dorm, everyone dashed to their room to get some sleep. Kyungsoo decided to sleep at their old room because he knows that Jongin wouldn't be home until the next two days.

"You sure you'll be okay there?" His best friend asked. "Cause Chanyeol can sleep there if you aren't." He said, looking at the giant standing behind Kyungsoo.

"Nope, I'm fine. And besides, Chanyeol will be alone there. It's okay, don't worry about me. Now get some rest you punks, goodnight." He said as he left the room. He walked to their room and sighed, resting his back on the door once he closed it. He roamed his eyes on the room. He stopped when his heart clenched. It feels so empty. The room should be full of good memories but now, it's filled with nothing but loneliness. He went to the bathroom and cleaned himself.

He was about to go out but then, he was again blinded by a silver thing. Slightly shining as the paper was slightly opened, letting the light to reflect on it. He looked at it for minute before placing it in his forearm. Maybe this would help. He slowly dipped the blade on his skin, creating a visible wound in his milky white skin. He watched as the blood dripped down his forearm. He stared at it blankly. It was his first time but he felt nothing. He can't feel the pain. But he admits that it helped a little to lessen the pain.

He sighed before washing his bloody hands. He went out the bathroom and walked to his closet to get a sweater. He'll be needing to wear long sleeves until the wound was gone. He laid on his bed and closed his eyes.


The next morning, Kyungsoo woke up feeling dizzy. He feels like he slept for more that 24 hours. His body hurts, it feels like he did a lot of things yesterday. He tried to move but he can't. His body aches even when he'll just move his feet. He endured it and got up from his bed. He coughed and sniffed a little. Ah, I can't be sick. He went to their kitchen to cook something for his co-members. He noticed the clock placed on the top of their refrigerator. It was already 7:00 in the evening. So he did have a long sleep.

He turned around and felt dizzy that he almost tripped but then, a hand held him to maintain his balance. He heard a gasp and slowly turned his head only to see Baekhyun with a worried face. His eyes were wide and it's starting to bother Kyungsoo. What's with the look? Baekhyun went close to him and placed the back of his palm on Kyungsoo's forehead.

"Kyungsoo are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"What the hell, are you kidding me? You freaking hot! How do you feel?" The male nervously asked him, causing the other members to walk towards them.

"What's happening here?" Their leader, Junmyeon, asked.

"I'm fine, I just--"

"No you aren't a fine, Kyungsoo. I think we should call a doctor. We need to check your temperature." He said walking away to get some thermometer. The other members looked at the pale Kyungsoo.

"Kyungie, what is happening?" Chanyeol asked him. He sighed and shook his head.

"It's just that, I'm not feeling well. Baekhyun's just overreacting." He said. Blinking slightly to clear his now blurry visions. Suho placed the back of his palm on Kyungsoo's forehead, just like what Baekhyun had done to him.

"Kyungsoo you have a fever!" Is the last things he heard before collapsing. Filling his visions with nothing but black.


Author's Note:

2 or more chapters to go before the epilogue. *drum rolls* I should warn you all guys. But, I want it to be a surprise. Lol HAHAHA. So here's the update! Enjoy~

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