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"I'm sorry but we have to stop this." Jongin said.

"What?! No! You know how much I love you. Why are you doing this?" tears started to fall from Kyungsoo's eyes.

"We need to stop. Look Kyungsoo we're falling apart, can't you see it?" Jongin said.

"I want to ask you one question. Do you love me? Or did you even loved me?" Kyungsoo asked while sobbing.

"I do love you D.O Kyungsoo. But I'm tired." Jongin said. There are no tears falling from his eyes. Not even a single drop. Kyungsoo wiped his tears away as he stood and fixed his self up.

"Fine, if that would make you happy. I'll set you free. Thank you for the memories and happy moments that we shared. I'll assure you that they will always be treasured as I treasure you, and they'll be protected as I protected you. I'll never forget them, not even you." He said as a sad smile form on his lips. He started to walk but before he can go far. He halted and looked at his Jongin.

"I'm very thankful that you came into my life. But next time don't just pass like a wind okay? Learn to stay. Learn to fight, cause me? I fought for us but you just wasted it." Kyungsoo said and left. The moment Kyungsoo turned his back, tears started to fall for Jongin's eyes. Tears the kept on holding the moment he talked to Kyungsoo. As his tears drips down to his face, raisin started to fall from above.

"It's done. He's gone. We're over. Sorry for leaving you and forgetting about us just like a wind." Jongin whispered while his head's down.

The image started to fade until it turned into all black. There was nothing left. Nothing but darkness.

That is what Kyungsoo dreamt about 5 years ago. He expected a happy ending but it was a tragedy. After what happened on the hospital, Kyungsoo decided to immediately end his contract with SM Ent. He wanted to start a new life as a simple broken boy who wanted to find those pieces that was lost by the winds. He wanted to start all over again. He wanted to live normally. No media's, no interviews, no flashing of camera's, and no issues. He decided to terminate his contract but he didn't left the country. He still stayed in South Korea for the past years.

Now, he's living his life perfectly. Away form issues, away from disasters. He's still connected with his friends. Specially Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

It was hard for him to leave them behind because he's just broken. But he's just not broken inside, he's also broken outside. He can't continue it anymore, knowing that the fans would just be worried about him. He doesn't want them to pity him. He didn't have some updates with Jongin and his rumored girlfriend. Well, at those times he really doesn't care anymore. Even if it still hurts. He focused on starting a new.

He went back to New York when he remembered that man with the type writer. He went near him and had a little talk. He found out that he's a poet. He makes poems about what he sees and observes on his surrounding. He asked Kyungsoo if he wanted him to make a poem for him but Kyungsoo refuses. He thinks that maybe the man will notice that his not physically and emotionally okay. Besides  that he's pale, his eyes also catches most of the attention.

He didn't entertained the poet more and decided to leave already. He just came to fulfil his promise. The promise that he will come back to that country and see what does that man do with his type writer.

Many of them still recognize him even if he already left the group. His friends kept on contacting him and he didn't found a reason to decline them. They always talk each and every day, if they aren't busy with their schedules. All of them were still connected to him, except for one person. The others told him that he's been very busy. None of them mentioned him for 2 years. But everything changed after a year. Fate changed their supposed ending. Fate changed them.

Kyungsoo was currently looking at the city view from his veranda when two strong arms wrapped around his waist. His head rested on Kyungsoo's shoulder.

"It's been 5 years since that mistake was made." He whispered. Kyungsoo then smiled and relaxed his back. He'll surely love this man behind him. He'll always be loving Jongin.

"We're really young and reckless that time. We're fools that was blinded by love." He chuckled. Reminiscing their memories. Memories filled with dull colors, black and white.

Jongin kissed his head and smiled softly. "Shh, enough with those. What important now is that we're back." He said and tightened the hug. Kyungsoo just hummed in response.

"I missed you so much." Jongin said and buried his face on Kyungsoo's neck, sniffing his sweet scent.

"And so do I." Kyungsoo said in response. They stayed like that for a minute before deciding to take a walk outside. Jongin, as well as the other members left, ended their contract with SM Ent. After their contract ended, Jongin lived his life normally. Until the both of them met again. There was a lot of consumed time for them to get back together. It's a surprise to Kyungsoo that after a not so many years, they still feel the same. He didn't expected it to be like that but he can do nothing.

Fate made a way for them to meet again. Fate gave them so much time to fix everything. Fate gave them another chance. A chance to make all things right this time. They promised not to let others ruin them again. They promised to fight together. They promised that they will always be strong despite of the circumstances that they will encounter.

Promises are meant to be kept. Not to be broken.

When there is a promise, there's to be kept.

Both of them walked with hold hands towards their friends. Somewhat having a reunion party with them. They smiled sweetly to each other.

"I love you." Jongin mouthed.

"Nado saranghae." The elder said and smiled shyly. Their friends cheered when they saw the both of them.

"Ohhh! KAISOO IN THE HOUSE!" Baekhyun shouted while raising the glass he was holding. They all laughed and settles down. They talked about things that each of them missed for the past years.  Looking at them, everyone would be contented on that kind of family. A family that would make you feel different kind of emotions. Kyungsoo smiled when he remembered those smiles back then. They're still the same. He believed that they would never ever change.

They're still the family that Kyungsoo and Jongin treasures.

You know, life is about making choices. Choices that you make, and choices that you break. In Kyungsoo and Jongin's state, after the tragedy they chose to separate ways. For the good of the both of them. But then, fate doesn't want the choice they've made.  Fate made a way to get them back together, and so they did. And now they'll live their lives happily ever after.



Author's Note:

Aww, I think this ending isn't really that appropriate. It's so lameeee. Anyways. I'm going to miss this book so mucchhh *cries in korean* thank you for those who read this and will be reading. Thank you for those votes that you gave this book, I appreciate it so much. Thank you for supporting JLAW ^-^  Keep shipping Kaisoo <3 Love lots! *throws heart everywhere*

This has been newrein, signing off.

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