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I wake up to the buzzing alarm clock I set up, my hand reaches to turn it off before I stretch my arms with a small yawn escaping my lips. It's been a week since the reaper's ambush. I didn't step out of the mansion due to my injury but I was alright when it came to supply of food. Thank goodness Mr. Kisaragi taught me how to cook or else I would have been real trouble. If I can't cook myself a plate of food for a meal, then how was I going to survive the whole time I need to hide? It maybe 1 or 2 years before I go back to the castle. And what if I happen to make friends and they come over? My cover would be blown right off the bat.

But it is actually nice to do things on my own. I don't have people waiting on me hand-and-foot which is honestly a drag in the castle. But I can't complain about it since I'm a princess, and I should be treated like one. The tiny wounds on my hands have healed completely so I don't need to cover my hand with bandages, my leg is recovered so I can move around just fine. I'm in a perfect condition to go to school.

I've already thought of a disguise when I was locked up in the mansion for a week. Only the principal will know my true identity, as well as the agent who's teaching PE in the E class. Yumiko says its risky, but they've planned to put me into class 3-E. I don't find it risky at all. In fact, I can handle the training thanks to the Judo and sword-fighting lessons I learned. But I'm afraid I can't show these talents in the field...

I open the front door and pick up the newspaper. Father has already set up everything for me, he even sent me a million yen for the first week in case I need anything. I hope he's alright... Once I was done eating my breakfast, I wash the dishes and the utensils I used when my phone rings. I pick it up to see Yumiko calling. I accepted the call and place the phone in my ear. "Hello? Yumiko-san?"

"Good morning, Sakura! Did you have your breakfast?" I swear, Yumiko acts like my second mom. Everyday, she calls me every hour to see if I'm okay. "I was done a while ago. I am washing the dishes now." I giggle, washing the soap off my hands and turning the sink off. "M-My p-p-princess... w-w-w-washing the dishes?!" I just giggle even more. She does worry about me a lot but I do understand the reason though. I can't contact my dad or write to him. Yumiko is basically his eyes and ears since she goes to the castle occasionally, she'll report to the king about my progress.

"Yumiko-san, I am alright! It is rare that I do things like this in the castle. Now that I am a normal schoolgirl, it just gives me freedom to wait on myself." I let out a sigh and lean on the counter. "I suppose you're right..." I can hear her sigh to which I giggle a bit more. "So what is on today's agenda, Yumiko-san?"

"Well, even though it's Friday, the principal agreed to meet you once school is over." I become serious for a bit. "Okay, what time does school usually end?" I ask a bit curious. "They usually end at 3 pm. You have your disguise ready?" I look at the glasses case on the coffee table. "Yes, even my fake name."

"I knew you'd be ready. The school uniforms are in the lower drawers under your wardrobe. I'll pick you up at 2:30. We won't be taking the car this time cause you'll need to learn the way back home. You think you can memorize it quickly?" She doesn't need to ask. "Of course I can!" I answer confidently. "Good, I'm simply worrying over nothing."

"Exactly, Yumiko-san! Sakura is a big girl now!" I say childishly to which the woman laughs. "Yeah yeah." I tell her my fake name and my disguise before she hangs up. I take a deep breath and look at the pendant my father gave me that day. 'I can do this. For father's sake, for everyone's sake...' This burden is carried by all, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't do my part.


I brush my hair and tie my low pigtails with a white thin ribbon, I put my tie up to my collar and put my black frames on. I don't look like a princess anymore, just a normal, shy schoolgirl. Just in time, the doorbell rings. I check from the window to see that same caramel hair but in different clothes. I head to the door and take a deep breath, I open it to reveal Yumiko in regular clothes. "C-C-Can I help you, m-m-miss?" I say in a nervous way, showing her my act.

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