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Where we left off, the healthy students along with a weakened Karasuma, encountered the second assassin hired by the bad guy: A man who's weapon is his bare hands. A foreigner who can crush skulls and cracked glass.

Sakura was close to revealing her identity if it wasn't for Karma stepping in.

"You're pretty average for a pro, aren't you? Breaking glass, cracking skulls? I can do that, too. But if your opening move is to call in reinforcements, maybe you're too scared to take on a junior-high kid alone."

His words are the same as ever, but it was different. Sakura felt that it was different from the rest of the threats the devil had sent before.

'He's looking at his opponent straight in the eyes.'

The assassin was yet to respond to the boy's challenge. No one could tell what he was thinking with the impassive mask he made.

"All right, hm. Let's see what you can do, hm." The man accepts his challenge, removing his jacket which leaves his muscles exposed.

Karma was sure to beat this assassin. Showing Sakura -that is Hime- his improved strength. 'I'm not all bark and no bite. Watch, Sakura-chan.'

"If you insist."



A moment of silence. The others watch with anticipation: What did Karma have up in his sleeve? They were waiting for either of the two to make the first move.

And Karma did.

He swings the rubber plant in his arms to hit the assassin. But the man manages to grab it, stopping it midway.

"Too soft, hm. You'll have to find a better weapon, hm." Said the assassin before he crushes it with his grip. "Don't need one." The other half of the plant falls to the ground is forgotten at the moment.

The foreigner starts his round of attacks, but swiftly and quickly, Karma dodges each blow sent. A graceful yet deadly dance begins the two; with the audience watching in awe.

'Grip strength capable of crushing skulls... Once he gets his hands on me, it's game over. On first glance, it seems like an unwinnable game, but just switch our positions around and it's no different from the unwinnable game we always play.'

The battle continues with Karma dodging and Grip attacking. The audience was awestruck by the boy's agile movements. "Wow... He's dodging or blocking every blow."

"That's your defense technique, right, Mr. Karasuma?" The ball recalls, the agent's silence only meant that it was correct. But he did not teach the class defense, that was for sure.

'Self-defense is a low priority for assassins, so while I don't remember teaching it in class... he must have picked it up by watching me dodge their knives. Akabane Karma, even in this E class, his talent for fighting is head and shoulders above the rest.'

The princess in disguise watch the battle with intrigue, analyzing every move made by the devil and the assassin. 'I see. That is why he was so confident at the start. But...' She noticed a slight bump inside the man's pockets.

'I wonder what his next move will be when the foreigner pulls that out...'

Karma doesn't take a chance to hit the expert assassin. 'I can dodge him... but if I move in to attack, he'll grab me.' Then, as if he read the boy's mind, he stops. "What's wrong, hm? You'll never get past me if you don't attack, hm!"

"You think? I mean, I could be doing my best to distract you while the rest of us slip past few at a times." Says Karma, sparing a glance to his classmates. The man only glares at the redhead, like he's trying to get the truth out of him.

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