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The princess has already gotten use to her new routine as a schoolgirl. When she wakes up to her alarm clock buzzing, she turns it off and lazily heads towards the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a shower. After drying her body, she puts on the uniform she ironed the night before and ties her long hair into pigtails with the creamy white ribbon. She puts on her black frames and smiles in satisfaction with her look before taking the messenger bag with her and heading downstairs.

After keeping the bag on the couch of the living room, she makes a simple breakfast and sits down. She mutters a short prayer before taking her time and filling her stomach with the food she prepared. Once she is done, she washes the dishes and starts preparing her lunchbox. A healthy, balanced meal is packed in the medium sized box and is placed inside the pink rose printed lunch pouch before its shoved inside the messenger bag.

As soon as she's done cleaning up the kitchen and washed her hands, she hears the doorbell. 'Just on time.' The girl smiles and walks towards the entrance. She carries the bag in her hands and opens the door to reveal the red haired boy smirking. "Good morning, Sakura-chan~" He walks in without letting the girl reply. "Good morning, Karma-kun. Shall we get going?"

"Already? I just got here." He slightly whines making the brown haired girl sigh. "If we don't leave now, then we won't reach school on time. I said this for the 5th time now." She looks at the boy in front as she hopes he'll understand. But since this is Karma Akabane she's dealing with, you can't let your hopes get high. "It's not the end of the world if we're late, Sakura-chan."

"Then I'll leave without my bodyguard if he doesn't want to take his duty seriously." She huffs and tears her gaze away from Karma as she puts on her black shoes. "You're boring~ Why do you have to wear shorts underneath?" Sakura feels her right eye twitch slightly at the devil's comment. "After a certain someone pulled a perverted move on me, I'm just taking precautions in case it happens again.

"I said I'm sorry! How many times will you bring that up?" He says in slight annoyance, not realising that he was following the girl out of her house as she locks the front door. "Just to make you feel annoyed enough to get you out of my house." With that line, he finds himself outside with Sakura. He just clicks his tongue with a smirk, "Clever move, Hime-chan."

She makes note of how he quickly switches names when he's outside the building, she's quite impressed with his adaptation. With that scene over for the day, Sakura and Karma walk towards the train station silently. The boy was busy listening to a song since his ears were plugged with his earphones, but the girl didn't like this silence and keeps glancing at the boy beside her from time to time.

The only interaction she had with Karma was only when he comes over to pick her up, they would argue about getting to school on time that it would sometimes be the reason they would be late. In school, she would talk to Kayano and the other girls, sometimes help the class president with his duty, maybe even have a nice chat with Nagisa once in a while. But she could never make a conversation with the sadist sitting beside her.

She sighs inaudibly and her azure eyes focus on the front sadly. 'And I want to know more about Karma-kun...' She remembers the Hanami party the two held at the last minute, being only them to watch the beautiful cherry blossoms in bloom. 'There's a side of you that no has seen before, right? I want to see that side of Karma.' She slightly blushes when she remembers the words she spoke that day. 'What was I thinking? I wasn't even thinking straight.' She scolds herself mentally the whole way to the train station.

Even when they're in the train waiting for their destination, it would be quiet between them. The girl would occupy herself by watching the moving view from the window and think how great would be if she could capture the image on paper or canvas. When they reach Kunugigaoka station, that's when the male unplugs his earphones from his ears and shoves the phone back in his pocket. They walk together to the school they attend and to the satellite campus where they were sent off.

The Devil Is Her Prince (Akabane Karma X OC)Where stories live. Discover now