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Koro sensei:


"I'm sorry, but we're all out of the 'Rainbow rabbit buns' set."

This is terribly a horrific day! I was on my way to the cafe for their limited time sweets, but those dreaded assassins slowed me down on the way. And that long line by the time I arrived... No wonder the supply ran out quicker like my speed! Today's also the last day, I'll never get to try them!

I'll have to deal with those ruffians for making me miss this once chance in a lifetime--

"Koro sensei?"

I froze a bit, slowly turning towards the humble and soft voice that called me. It was none other than one of my students before me. An umbrella in one hand, while the other holds a bag.

"Hime-san, good morning." She offers me a radiant smile. "Good morning! Fancy running into you here. Is it for the limited sweets they're selling here?"

"You're right. But... they ran out quickly by the time it was my turn. Are you here for the same reason?" I hear a prideful laugh emit from the girl before me. "Fought and succeeded in grabbing 2 dozens. That's 4 times of the set!"


"It was a big talk among the girls in class, I thought of giving it a try. Karma-kun asked me to get him a box too. Dealing with the rush was hard, I thought I'd be a goner in there." She awkwardly chuckles.

But that's to be commendable, having to consider that she spend her childhood inside her home the entire time. I was worried about her being socially awkward, but I'm relieved to find her adapting nicely.

As her teacher, I'm proud of her achievement.

I try my best not to change the color of my skin, being that we're in a public area and risk revealing my identity. "It's good to see you adjusting to the change of things, Hime-san. I'm glad." The compliment adds a bit more growth to her smile.

I wouldn't want to sound greedy or rude but... those sweets in her possession are making me feel even more horrible! I really want to try one of them, at least one. But it seems like I didn't have to ask. Hime takes out a box from the bag and opens it, revealing the contents with the same smile.

"Sir, would you like to have some of these with me?"

W-What an angel! Hime offered to sacrifice some of the heavenly goods, she really has a kind heart. Tears of joy trail down my round face as I grab her hand. "T-Thank you so much, Hime-san! I'm so happy to have you as a student!"

"Sir... w-we're getting weird looks from people around us."

We move to a secluded place after the commotion. Under the shade of a tree seemed perfect to block the drastic sunlight. The box of the rainbow rabbit buns were placed between us as we have a bite of them.

'I'm in heaven right now....'

The sweets are so good. Indeed, it is a good time to be alive! Hime squeals with delight beside me. "So soft and fluffy! The cream is so light, it's easily to eat. Now I know why it's so popular! It's super heavenly~"

"Right? It's like eating fruity clouds!"

"I wanna try making sweets like these at home. They'd go well with a cold milkshake..." The conversation -which only consisted of comments on the buns- stops and we enjoy some peace.

As time passes slowly, I've come to grow curious. By the end of first term, I have a clear view of every student's personality, circumstances, areas where they excels and need to improve. But, Hime is a question mark for me.

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