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I walk to the satellite campus with Karma beside me, my thoughts were occupied by the email we all received from Mr. Karasuma. It was to inform us about another transfer student joining our class today. When I think about it, this will be the second transfer student after me. But unlike me, they could be an assassin like Miss Irina.

"Hey, Karma-kun." I call out to the redhead, I'm kinda curious to know his thoughts on the new student. "What do you think about the new transfer student?" I ask, turning my face to see his. "Hmm... I don't really know. I guess he/she could be an assassin since we got that mail. What about you, Hime-chan?"

"I can't wait to see them! As a transfer student myself, I can help them get along with everyone." I said in my 'Hime' act. It's common sense to know how the class would feel about a new student joining, they are met with a mix of anticipation and unease. When we reach the top, I spot Nagisa, Sugino, Isogai and Okajima group up. I wonder what they're talking about?

"Oh, there she is. Hime!" Sugino waves his arm at me as the other three boys turn to me. I smile and wave back before we walk towards the group. "Good morning." I greet them with a smile, "What's the matter?" I hear Karma asking behind me. "You're a transfer student, Hime. How did you feel when you came to this class?"

"Well, I think it was obvious when I introduced myself to everyone. I was really nervous because I wanted to make a good impression on everyone. But, right now I'm happy to be in this class." I answer with a really big smile on my face. For some reason, I notice the slight blush on their faces. "Were you talking about the other transfer student?"

"Yeah, Okajima-kun managed to get a photo of her." Okajima shows the picture to me and Karma. "She's cute, but I think Hime-chan's cuter!" I notice Okajima's big smile on his face when he says that, the smile was kind of making me uncomfortable. "So it's another girl, she's pretty." I'm glad that the transfer student is a girl, see seems nice from the picture.

We went inside the building and switched our black shows for our white indoor shoes. "I wonder if she's here yet? The new girl." I agree with Sugino as he open the classroom door, the first thing we noticed in the classroom was the black box in the corner. After he keep our bags on the desk, we gathered around the box, confused.

"The hell's that?" I hear Maehara ask before the device starts to turn on. The screen flashes the image of the girl. It's the same girl from the picture Okajima showed us. "Good morning. I am the Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery who will be your class. Nice to meet you." She greets us bluntly before the screen turns black. She's the transfer student?!

Everyone was really shocked to meet the robot. Even I am, an android being a student? The government sure is pulling strings here. What were they thinking? When it was time for Homeroom, Mr. Karasuma found it hard to introduce the new student. I can't blame him. "I'm sure you know, this is your new classmate. The Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery from Norway." He writes the robot's name on the blackboard before the chalk broke in his hand.

"Nice to meet you." The screen flashes the girl and she greets us. Koro sensei's giggling silently in the corner. "Don't giggle. You're no better! Just so you know, she's registered as a full-pledged student. She'll be sitting there aiming her guns at you, but you can't fight back. You're not permitted to harm any students. Remember?" Mr. Karasuma explains to the octopus.

"Ah, so you're grasping at straws here. Using creative readings of my teaching agreements to call a machine my student. Very well. Welcome to the E class, Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery." Koro sensei welcomes the robot, the screen flashes again. "Thank you, Koro sensei." Somehow the situation is kind of humorous. But I wonder how this robot carries it's-- her assassination.

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