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The rain is a lot more heavier this year.

After Itona and Shiro's appearance, the atmosphere in the classroom has brighten up vastly. With everyone determined to kill Koro sensei, they're doing what they can to reach closer towards that goal.

But... I can't help but to feel a depressing aura in this newfound atmosphere.

School was over for the day and everyone is getting ready to head home. Due to the heavy rain, Mr. Karasuma cancelled the extra training. "We'll be at the entrance, Nagisa!" Sugino said, with his big grin.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute." With that, he leaves the room. As I pack my last book into the shoulder bag, my eyes spot Hime at the back of the class. She's still in her seat. I frown, beginning to worry about her more than yesterday.

Hime hasn't been her cheerful self since Itona and Shiro came to our class. It's like... something's bothering her. Karma hasn't been coming to school either, so she must be walking back on her own.

I... can't let her be like this.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to cheer her up, but I want to at least give it a try. I'd like to see her smile again. Taking a deep breath, I approach with a little smile.

"Hime-san." She flinched slightly when I spoke up, her similar azure eyes -dull without that usual sparkle of hers- find their way up to me. "Class is over. Everyone left already."

"Oh, right. Thank you for telling me..." She offered me a weak smile before packing her things away. I frown once again, but it goes unnoticed by the brunette before me. Okay, no need to feel nervous now...

"Are you walking to the train station by yourself?" Hime gives me a quizzical look. "Sugino, Kayano, Okano-san, and I are heading there ourselves. Why don't you join us?"

"I-Is it alright if I tag along? I-I-I don't w-want to bother you a-all..." Her voice fades in the end, tearing her gaze away from me. "Don't worry. We'd all be happy if you're coming along." My smile remains the same, hopeful that I would eradicate the doubts in her mind.

She spares me a glance, letting me see her worried expression. After a while, her features soften and she returns a little smile as well. "O-Okay... T-Thank you, Nagisa-kun."

Her reply makes my smile grow bigger. "Let's go. Everyone's waiting for us at the entrance." She nods before we leave the classroom lastly. Hime closes the door behind her as we head to the shoe lockers. The three I mentioned before were waiting.

"Oh, so that's why you took so long."

Sugino grinned as he along with the other two girls watch us approach them. "I asked her to join us, since we're all going to the train station."

"I-I'm sorry if this is all so sudden." I hear her softly speak beside me, turning around to find her head low while she fiddles with her fingers. Instantly, Kayano and Okano are by her side. Big smiles on their faces. "We're more than glad that you're coming along!"

"Yeah! We're definitely lucky~!"

"You two..." Hime eventually laughs along with them; and for me, it was good. "Way to go, grabbing her along." Sugino nudges my arm with his elbow, to which I shrug it off with a smile. "I couldn't leave her alone."

We group of five leave the campus to walk down the mountain and head to the station. During the way, Kayano and Okano were fighting for Hime's attention: The both of them having different topics to talk about. But I notice the usual glint in her eyes slowly returning as she calmly settles the fight and patiently hears them with a smile.

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