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After school was over for the day, it was time for everyone to go home. Hime takes a magazine out of her bag after packing her school books away. On the front cover is the picture of Sonic Ninja, her favorite comic hero. She loves the movie series so much because of the story line it had. She was waiting so long for the sequel to release in Japan's theaters.

'I have to wait for another week. But it feels so far...' She sighs before opening the book to read the contents. Since the princess is outside the castle, she didn't have to wait for months to see the movies she wants to watch. Since she had some free time in her hands, she decided to head to the theaters in the weekend.

"You have the copy already?" Karma leans closer to Hime's face so he can take a look at the magazine himself, the sudden action surprised Hime as she fell off her seat. "S-Stop doing that, Karma-kun!" The girl huffs at the redhead, to which he snickers in response. "Here." Nagisa gives her a hand and helps her stand on her feet. "So you like 'Sonic Ninja' too?"

"Y-Yeah. Action movies aren't exactly my favorite but I really like this one." Hime replies, taking the magazine from her desk and turning the page to see the poster inside it. The three take a look at it in excitement, the poster was making them more impatient. "Its releasing in America today."

"And we have to wait another week to get the subtitles." A sigh escape from all three in unison. "Ugh! I wish it was next week already!" Hime whines childishly which causes the two males to to chuckle at her reaction. "Yes: I'm going to Hawaii to see a movie."

The three's attention turns to Koro sensei holding the same magazine in his tentacles. They overhear the rest of the conversation to figure out the target's after school plans: Koro sensei is travelling to Hawaii to see the movie they've been waiting for. "No fair! He's just going to another country to watch it!" Hime whisper shouts in jealousy, glaring daggers at the octopus.

Then an idea struck in Karma's head, "Hey, you two. Why don't we ask Koro sensei to let us tag along." The second he suggests it, Nagisa and Hime look at him in shock. 'Is he crazy?' They both share the same thought. But it wasn't a bad idea, it was risky but still a good idea. "W-Well, it's at least worth giving it a shot." Nagisa stutters, agreeing to the idea.

"What about you, Hime-chan?" The two boys turn to the only girl, curious about her answer. "M-Maybe I'll skip it. It's really risky." She holds the book in her arms and looks down nervously. As much as she wanted to, she was afraid that they could get hurt. Karma and Nagisa frown at her answer, they knew how much excited she is to watch this movie.

"We'll just ask the octopus to let us come with him. Where's the harm in that?" Karma points out. "Please, Hime-san? We'll be with you anyways." Nagisa says with an assuring smile. Feeling the boys' pleading look in their eyes makes her feel more flustered. Finally, she gives in defeat and looks at her shoes with a beet red face. "F-Fine! You both win!"

The boys instantly smile out of satisfaction, happy to hear her answer. They hide and wait for their teacher to leave outside the campus, ready to ambush him. Once they see him stretch out his tentacles, they come out of their hiding places and run towards the octopus before he can take off. "Koro sensei! Please..."

The octopus turns to see his three students behind him, Hime holding the magazine in her hands as she stands between the two boys. "... take us with you!" The blue haired boy pleads on behalf of the group. "Oh! You like the franchise, do you?" Koro sensei asks in slight surprise. "Uh-huh! We've been waiting for the sequel."

"I didn't expect you to be into superhero movies, Karma-kun and Hime-san." He turns to the other two. "I like the director, and he rarely handles comic-book source material." Answered Karma as he scratches his head. "Since I used to stay at home all the time, my parents bought me DVDs so I wouldn't feel so bored." Was Hime's answer.

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