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"That's enough for today. Good job."

Sakura closed the book in her hands, placing it on the table before her. She heard Karma's exhausted sigh before his head rest on the furniture. His mercuric gold eyes closed. "Finally! Japanese is really the worst."

"Well, you are making some improvements. It take it as a good sign." She chuckled softly. "The same goes for you in Math. You're almost at my level right now. Almost."

"Thank goodness. Though, let us not dedicate one whole day for Math next time. I don't want to suffer another mental fatigue."

"Yeah... I understand how you feel after today. Let's put a stop to that." He lifts his head, watching the brunette stretch out her arms and place them on the wooden flooring behind her. The two remained silent for a couple of minutes, having thoughts of their own.

Out of nowhere, the devil broke the comfortable silence.

"Hey Sakura-chan, apart from studying and the house chores, what do you usually do to kill time?"

"'Kill time'?" She questioned, giving him a quizzical look. "Yeah, like to let the minutes pass by without your notice."

"Well, a lot of hours go by quickly whenever I study, but I tend to try a lot of new things during my free time. I make sure to practice violin occasionally, and with an empty room in my house, I use it for practicing ballet and other indoor type of exercises. I'd like to work on my Judo, but I do need to maintain my low profile."

"Hm... you make yourself busy then."

"Yes. What about you, Karma-kun?" The latter hums slightly, resting his chin on the palm of his hands. "I just put on some movies or play video games most of the time. When I'm really bored, I'd go out for some delinquent fishing."

'D-Delinquent fishing...' A slight shudder made it's way to the brunette's body, and luckily it goes unnoticed by the boy across her. "Speaking of games, you carry that blue book-like device with you as well. A portable console, perhaps?"

"Right. You being a princess, I guess you never tried playing video games before."

"When it came to electronics, the only things I have done is learn about technology development and watch periodical movies. Yumiko-san introduces me to some other genres of movies from time-to-time."

"Then, why not give it a try?" The redhead suggested, earning a quizzical look from Sakura once again. "I have other consoles at home. That way, we both can play at the same time."

"I'm... not so sure about the idea, Karma-kun." She mumbled with doubt as she looks down slightly. "You did say that you're trying out new things. Come on, it'll be fun."

"For you. It will be your entertainment when you watch me attempting to play." He let out a soft laugh, making her frown even more. "I knew it."

"Okay, that... wasn't my intention till you mentioned it. You're a fast learner, you'll probably get it right after one or two rounds. So, how about it?" The girl stared at him for a while, a doubtful expression on her features. He had a grin on his face as he stared back, donning an innocent look.

'What's there to lose...'

"I guess it would not hurt to try..." The response earned a chuckle from Karma, standing up from the floor. "Great. Let's head over, then." She nodded slightly, getting onto her feet and putting on the fake glasses before they leave the house for Karma's.

"Sorry for the intrusion." Sakura mutters the second she enters and removes her slippers, following the redhead into the living room. Upon inspecting where the TV was placed, she noticed a stack of CD cases beside the box-sets.

The Devil Is Her Prince (Akabane Karma X OC)Where stories live. Discover now