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The class was at the school yard, practicing their knife skills as they try to stab their partners.

"Don't look away! Predict your target's moves! If you all do that, you'll block off every last one of his escape routes!" Mr. Karasuma instructs the class, watching each and every pair on the field.

The E class is going on their fourth month of training, they're showing promising traits of themselves so far. The agent mentally evaluates the students as they spar against him.

'Isogai Yuma and Maehara Hiroto. They've got great reflexes, and when they work as a pair, their knives hit the mark more often now.'

'Akabane Karma. He seems like the evasive, meandering type at first glance, but there's great mischief in those eyes.'

'Okano Hinata's unpredictable movement born of her gymnastics background, and Kataoka Meg, with a reach and momentum to rival with the boys'. These traits make them stand out as attackers.'

"And Koro sensei, the very model of an ideal teacher. To kill such a man of character would be unthinkable" This was obviously the target's doing when he tries to add some flattery of himself in Mr. Karasuma's thoughts, which didn't work.

"Don't be making up thoughts for me. Get lost, Target!"

While the other students try and attack Mr. Karasuma, Hime taps on Nagisa's shoulder and whispers her idea to the boy, not because of the task but just for fun.

After hearing the plan, Nagisa immediately agrees with a small smile before they carefully walk towards their teacher's back, the rubber knives in their hands.

Just when Mr. Karasuma finishes dodging Yada's attacks, he feels two presences, their bloodlusts that resembles that to snakes and one of them more dangerous than the other.

Quickly out of fear, he parries both of their attacks, leaving Nagisa and Hime on their ground. "Ow!" They both groan in pain, the class stop and turn towards the two.

When he sees them, he was a little surprised, "Sorry! Put a little too much oomph into my block there." The whole class gathers around the fallen students as Mr. Karasuma walks towards them in worry. "We're fine." They both assured him with a smile, rubbing their heads a bit.

"Dummies! You gotta keep an eye on him!" Sugino points out which the two make a face in response, they forgot about that.

'Shiota Nagisa and Miz-- no, Shinozaki Sakura... The strange presences I felt-- was that my imagination?' The agent thought, watching Hime get up and help Nagisa get on his feet, Koro sensei also notices their bloodlusts and felt the same doubt as his co-worker.

The bell rings meaning the period is over. After the class greets Mr. Karasuma, he walks towards the building.

"Sorry, Nagisa-kun. I dragged you into my plan and you ended up getting hurt because of me." Hime apologizes with a worried smile on her face.

"No, it's okay. It was worth trying." The boy replies, smiling back to her. "Man! I just can't hit him!" Kimura sighs out of frustration. "Mr. Karasuma has, like, zero chinks."

Kurahashi runs upto the teacher and walks beside him with a smile, "Sir! Come out for snacks with us, after class!" she asks, hoping he'd accept her offer. "I appreciate the invite, but I still have work to do." He politely declines, making the girl stop walking and frown a bit. "No chinks in his private life, either."

"It's more like there's still a wall between him and us, like he's keeping his distance." The whole class watch Mr. Karasuma climb up the stairs, like they're trying to figure out the dense teacher. "He takes good care of us and all, but is that only because he has to?"

The Devil Is Her Prince (Akabane Karma X OC)Where stories live. Discover now