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'Monsters are everywhere. No matter how peaceful a land is...'

I always think of those words in every story I've read. Even my own family has told me the same sentence. That's why heroes exists, to eradicate the villains and maintain peace we strive for.

That is also our duty as the royal family. My duty as the future empress: To maintain peace in Japan and protect it from monsters.


Now I face such a vile beast on the heliport, with Nagisa beside me.

I will never forgive this man for his actions, just to seek revenge on us. This newfound adrenaline rushing through me gives me more strength, not even the virus could not stand in my way.

"I'll kill you..."

"For what you did to them."

We know our objective. We know what we must do.

He laughs haughtily at us, giving us his biggest smile yet. "That's the spirit! Come and kill me. Nagisa-kun! Hime-chan!"

Oh, we'll do more than kill you. I will promise that.

And I won't pull it with my 'Hime' act. 'Mr. Takaoka', I shall show you the true power of this princess.

"No! You two have to stop--"

Koro sensei did not finish his sentence, since the sudden object harshly hits my back. Judging the slight gasp from Nagisa, he was hit too. The item was long, I could tell from the area it made contact with.

"Don't be gettin' cocky, Nagisa! Hime!"

Tera... saka?

"I saw the pitiful way you both gave me when that medicine got blown up! Quit worryin' about other people, ya damn wimps! Our viruses will go away by itself with a good night's sleep!"

"Terasaka... you mean--"

"'Our viruses'? Then, one of them up there is--"

Terasaka... you big idiot...

I remained silent because I gather more air. With the virus continuing it's actions, I try to take in as much oxygen as I can. But unfortunately, the boy notices my fatigue. Even the enemy before us. "Hime-san!"

"How priceless is that?! Hime-chan got the virus, but she decides to be the 'hero' and suck it up! What a good laugh!" Mr. Takaoka laughed like a maniac. It makes my blood boil even more once he feels more satisfied about my weak state.

"Murder is murder, even with a piece of trash like that. You two gonna give in to the crazy and throw your chance at ten billion yen out the window?"

What is he...

"Terasaka-kun is right, Nagisa-kun. Hime-san. Killing him isn't worth it, and being in a blind rage will only work against you. Besides, he doesn't know anything about the remedy. We'll ask the poisoner downstairs. Just knock this one out; that's enough."

Listening to Koro sensei's advice, it makes me realize the forgotten information. I relax a bit more, but...

"Hey, now, quit being a wet blanket! Unless they come at me with a real intent to kill, what's the point? I'll use these squirts' bloodlust for revenge in a most humiliating way, and finally my own shame will disappear!"

So, that was his motive... And we were so close to giving him that.

"Nagisa-kun, Hime-san, take Terasaka-kun's stun-guns. His life and my life. His words and Terasaka-kun's words. Think carefully now: Which are worthy?"

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