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Today in the assassination classroom, it was unusual than the normal days. The class watches their target move so fast that they could see many Koro senseis. "Now then, shall we begin?" The octopus says as he continues his actions.

"Start what?" The whole class except Karma look at their homeroom teacher in confusion. "Mid-term time is around the corner is around the corner. And that's why this period will be spent in high-speed enhanced test studying." In a second, there was a clone for each student. "My doubles can work with you one-by-one to drill on each of your worst subjects."

"Koro sensei. These mid-terms are the periodic tests we take, correct?" Hime asks the clone in confusion, since it'll be her first time writing her tests in a normal school. "Correct, Hime-san!" Koro sensei shows a red circle on his face. Hime knows that he shows this because she gave a right answer. "Since it's your first test in a private school, I can't wait to see your results!" Hime smiles nervously before she continues solving problems in Math.

"Ridiculous, he's even changing headbands for each subject." When a Koro sensei clone appears in front of Terasaka, it wears a navy blue headband with a symbol in the middle. "Hey! Why do I get a Naruto headband?" Shot an agitated Terasaka. 'Naruto?' Hime questions in her mind but she pays attention to her studies.

Six Japanese, nine Maths, three social studies, four Science, four English and One Naruto. It wasn't that long ago that the target could handle four to five doubles. Nagisa and Hime take notice on the slight bend on their teacher's round face. "No sneak assassinations, Karma-kun! Dodging will disrupt my persistance of vision." As the clones scold the redhaired devil beside Hime, he holds up the rubber knife and sticks his tongue out.

'Still able to dodge that while moving this fast?' The girl looks beside her seat mate with a questionable look before turning to the yellow octopus. "These doubles are so fine and delicate." Hime comments, catching his attention. "Do you have any energy strength left after making them?" Nagisa asks the question, thinking the same thing as Hime. "Not to worry. I have a double resting outside."

"How is that helping?!" Hime and Nagisa say at the same time, not getting the gist of their teacher's thinking. As they look at the clone outside the classroom, they share the same thought once again. This power up in acceleration, he must be gearing up to destroy the earth a year from now. 'Like we'll let that happen...' The princess in disguise scowls for a second before she solves the practice question given to her. No matter how you slice it, he's one tricky target for them, the killers. "So, do you understand so far, Hime-san?"

"Y-Y-Yes, sir!" If you're facing the exams, then he's a good teacher to have. At the end of the day, everyone was exhausted from the studying sessions held by Koro sensei. Kayano and Nagisa were on cleaning duty so they stayed back for a bit longer. "So Hime-chan's worst subject is math, eh? That happens to be my best subject." Karma rests his head in his hands and smirks at the shorter girl beside him, they were the last to leave the old campus.

"I never liked Math because of the confusing formulas. And your worst subject happens to be my best subject as well: Japanese." Sakura drops down her act as 'Hime' and turns to Karma with a slight smirk on her face. "Bo-ring~ I can't stay awake during Japanese class." His answer slightly answers Sakura. She loves Japanese because of the stories she learns, they intrigue the princess so much. "Some people don't appreciate the subject..." She mumbles under her breath then stops once she realizes she forgot a book back at the building.

"Hime-chan?" Karma looks at the girl behind him once he notice her stopping her tracks. "I-I-I'm sorry, Karma-kun. B-But I forgot my Math notebook in class. G-G-Go ahead without me!" She switches back to her 'Hime' act and runs back up before she could hear the boy's response. Once Nagisa's done cleaning, he keeps the brooms and other supplies back in its place. 'Just need to get my bag and I can leave.'

The Devil Is Her Prince (Akabane Karma X OC)Where stories live. Discover now