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"Phew! Helther swelther! I understand this is what it's like in Osaka when a heat wave hits." The targets says, fanning himself while he guides the students, wearing their swimsuits, deep into the forest. "So hot... Why's he got us out here on the back of the mountain?"

"If he's looking for a pool, there's one at the main campus. But it's not in this direction, is it?" Ritsu on Nagisa's phone asks, she too wears the swimsuit with her name on it. "No." replied the latter, he walks besides Hime the whole time. He doesn't speak up to start a conversation with her, he just glances at her from the corner of his eyes.

Nagisa remembers the moment when his body acted without permission of his brain: Stepping in front of Hime to take Takaoka's punch instead. For one, he was worried that she'll get hurt, so it was reasonable that he wanted to protect her from harm's way.

'But was that really the reason? Did I try to protect Hime-san, just because I worry for her as a friend?'

Nagisa wasn't sure about his current feelings at the moment, especially his feelings towards Hime. The answer wasn't quite clear, but he wants to find them. Hime feels a pair of eyes on her so she glances at the slightly taller boy walking beside her. This brings Nagisa back to reality and quickly tears his gaze away, feeling his face slightly burning.

"Hey, Nagisa-kun!" Nagisa quickly regains his composure when he hears Karma's voice. The mentioned boy approaches the two and comes between Nagisa and Hime. "I heard you really did a number the other day. I sure wish I could've seen that assassination of yours." He compliments with a grin on his face.

"But I wasn't alone. Hime-san helped as well." After Nagisa's reply, Karma turns to the girl on his left. With the sweet atmosphere she gives off, he sees her as a little bunny, it makes him want to tease her even more.

"No, seriously. You're the one who did most of the work, right?" He smirks devilishly and avoids the poor girl completely, he gives credit to just Nagisa and it hurts Hime/Sakura a little. 'After giving him a taste of my strength, he still underestimates me.'

She does feel something off with her seatmate after yesterday though. She wasn't quite sure, but decides to leave it on hold until she gets more information from the latter. After walking for a few more meters, the octopus comes to a halt.

"All right, we're here! Behold!"

Nagisa and Hime moves the bushes away so the class gets a full view of their teacher's surprise. The view before them makes their eyes sparkle in excitement. A pool made with nature as source, the condition and quality is better than the one in the main campus.

"A pool I made specially made for the E class!" Immediately, everyone removes their jackets. The boys reveal themselves in their school swimming trunks and the girls in their swimsuits. One by one, they jump into the water.

'It's pretty hard to kill our teacher when he does stuff like this!' Nagisa and Hime smile at the thought before the boy jumps in, smiling. The class is enjoying their time at the pool, the students are scattered and conducting activities of their own.

"It's fun, but a little depressing." Kayano sighs in depression, she's in the water with a ring floatie so she doesn't drown. "I'm a terrible swimmer and this suit leaves nothing to the imagination." But she wasn't the only terrible swimmer in the class.

"W-Worry not, Kayano..." Kayano turns to the direction of the disappointed voice, that voice belongs to Hime who was in a ring floatie herself. "...I can't swim either. We can be floatie partners." She says with a pout. "Well, it does make me feel better... if only you didn't have big boobs."

The Devil Is Her Prince (Akabane Karma X OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant