Chapter 4: "The Rumancek should not be remembered for worldly things"

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Esmaralda skipped school the next day and when Lynda showed up back home she looked to Esmaralda disappointed.

"Why aren't you at school?" Lynda exclaimed sitting next to her and picking some flyers which were universities. "A Rumancek going to university? Never heard of it." Lynda laughed out with a cheerful face.

"I figured why the hell not? I'll probably get rejected for lack of credits for spending a year and a half in juvie." Esmaralda stated coldly. Lynda watched Esmaralda carefully. Esmaralda had always been a smart girl. She'd always been interested in science based things, facts and technology. Logical things. That's why Lynda found that Esmaralda found it hard to care about people. It wasn't logical to her. When Esmaralda did let her heart rule and decide her actions she often left destruction in her wake. Ever since she was young some of the older gypsies in the family had looked after her teaching her about their history and how to use magic which not many could do. Esmaralda didn't seem to have taken a liking to it only learning the complicated types in case she got into trouble. She wasn't extremely talented in anything. But she does go after what she wants and takes it without apologising who she hurts.

"They'd be idiots to reject you, you do know that right? I can see it now Esmaralda Rumancek ruling the MIT or Yale. You'll end up somewhere great." Lynda shared boosting Esmaralda's spirits. Esmaralda laughed and ran a hand through her hair.

"We only end up where we believe we belong Lynda. Besides I was thinking more along the lines of studying abroad. Going to Russia or maybe Spain. There were these girls in juvie they were from a Mexican house hold or something they taught me Spanish so I'd be able to understand them and I know Russian from my old school. Besides I think it'd be beautiful to travel there one day." Esmaralda shared closing her eyes picturing what it would be like to live there. Lynda smiled proud her daughter was dreaming big.

"You'd have to pick a degree first." Lynda stated.

"Maybe I could study culture you know be a translator or historian." Esmaralda offered ideas shrugging. Lynda smiled fondly walking to the bathroom as Peter walked into the trailer and picked up a jar walking around. He then looked at the table and the university applications.

"Really? Never thought you'd go." Peter shrugged walking away. Esmaralda shrugged.

"Neither but my newly appointed parole officer loves this shit. Didn't have the heart to tell Lynda." Esmaralda informed him packing it up and placing 2 inside an envelope.

"Why don't you call her mum?" Peter asked searching for something.

"I haven't called her mum since our father walked out on us." She explained shortly to him and he nodded. Lynda then walked down the halls and saw Peter.

"Hey how are you?" Lynda asked Peter who packed away the jar. "How was your day? Aren't you proud the little mouse is going to go to university?" Lynda cheerily asked. Esmaralda purse her lips basically blowing up her face and Peter smirked.

"A year a day months whatever, very proud" Peter shortly answered. Esmaralda then hit him with her papers walking over to her belongings.

"I ran into your friends mum at the general store" Lynda grinned informing Peter.

"Well you know what they say about small towns." Peter muttered not impressed. Esmaralda walked up to Peter handing him a switch blade which he placed inside of his bag.

"Yeah I think she was looking for me." Lynda muttered.

"Why?" Esmaralda inquired confused.

"Yes oh yeah the women was trying to look sly but you could smell the desperation I mean she must have gone through the last of what Vince sold her. But she can't bring herself to ask someone like me. She wants my stuff." Lynda explained smugly.

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