Chapter 22:"Hope your gag reflexes aren't abysmal."

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When she woke up her legs were stiff and she crawled to her feet wiping the tears from her face and walking back in the direction of Roman's. When she got to the front she saw Peter about to get into the car when he saw Esmaralda and he ran over to her wrapping his arms around her tightly holding her in a protective manner. Pulling away he clutched her face looking at her desperately.

"What happened?" Peter asked brushing her hair out of the way noticing how numb she looked. Esmaralda closed her eyes feeling the anger and pain burning inside of her. She fought the urge to shove Peter away and lash out she nodded.

"I went on a bender." Esmaralda lied looking over to Roman before looking away quickly and then back to Peter.

"Shit, we'll work this out later. Come on we're finding Nadia." Peter ushered her inside of the car and then got in. They then drove off for a 4 hour car ride where Esmaralda kept looking outside of the window trying to stop herself from thinking about the scene she'd witnessed. Esmaralda moved her hair out of her face curling up. She tried to think about something better. Something good. There was nothing good in this world. Not to her. Sighing she leaned back more trying to find something that could ease her. Finding nothing she ended up lighting a cigarette. When they came to a stop at some old wooden cabin they got out and Roman handed her a gun and the three walked out to the backyard looking at the house.

"Give me your phone, just give it to me." Roman ordered getting out his phone and the Rumancek twins phone and syncing a GPS. "Synced a GPS so we can find each other if we get separated."

"I'll probably make sure that doesn't happen." Peter commented and Roman started to walk forward. They continued to the backdoor. Roman tried to open it but couldn't. Esmaralda then opened one of the doors and they walked in quietly and looked around at some of the shit he has.

"Oroborus" Roman remembered looking at the snake eating itself. "It has something to so with whatever Speivak is or it represents the end of the world." Roman commented.

"Well at least we know we're in the right place I'll check the back." Peter informed them going to look through it. Roman then turned to Esmaralda.

"Don't tell him anything." Roman ordered her and Esmaralda glared up at him.

"You don't control me Roman." Esmaralda spat pushing past him and going to look though upstairs. Once she did she walked back downstairs and saw Roman and Peter walking downstairs and she followed them down there.

"Why do I get the feeling this is not a wine cellar?" Roman asked walking down there.

"Because he's the bad guy?" Esmaralda snarked out following as Roman turned the lights on in the room and the stench made her nose want to commit suicide.

"Jesus I think that's his nurse." Roman stated looking at the burnt corpse.

"What the fuck'd he do to her?" Peter asked.

"Nothing" Roman cursed out.

"Obviously not nothing." Esmaralda commented.

"I'm putting you on speaker." Roman informed Johann as they all crowded around the metal table.

"Speivak is a sulphur based life form Upir toxin is an extremely high concentration of nitro oxide it would cause an extremely robust reaction should the two substances come into contact. This toxin is your evolutionary advantage over competing spices. The reason you are able to wipe them out. We're going to need to extract the glands in your mouth." Pryce explained to all of them.

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