Chapter 6: "I thought girls liked cute lines"

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The two then sped off into town and were walking down the street together. "Where are you going?" Roman asked as he saw her looking around. She then pulled out a beautiful bracelet with silver and topaz diamonds on it and some beautiful engravings. He took it in his hands and admired it then looking to her.

"Going to sell it if I can find a damn pawn shop or hell even a jewellery store." Esmaralda exclaimed with a frown. Roman then sighed and stopped her from walking.

"Seriously? Why don't you just keep it? I mean it obviously is beautiful and it'll probably be the only nice thing you are wearing these days." Roman commented with a smug gleam as he inched closer to her. "Unless you are holding out for more with me you filthy little gold digger." Roman taunted her and Esmaralda punched his arm annoyed making him look at her annoyed.

"As if I'd be a gold digger." Esmaralda spat annoyed with him and storming off leaving Roman to follow after her and he grabbed her by the waist tripping over slightly picking her up as the two fumbled around making Esmaralda laugh loudly as she struggled to regain her feting. She finally stood up and laughed as Roman's hands were around her waist and Roman was about to lean down and kiss her when Esmaralda pulled away from him stanching the bracelet and looked at it with a sigh before handing it back to Roman and holding her wrist out. "Fine I'll keep it but I'm never accepting charity from you unless it's Christmas or a birthday." Esmaralda defiantly told him with a silly smirk as Roman put the bracelet on her wrist and intertwining his hand with hers finally pulling her close to him leaning her against the brick wall.

"Fine but never hit me again or I will retaliate." Roman spat coldly making Esmaralda look up at him slightly shocked at his cold words. Esmaralda frowned deeply as Roman leaned down and Esmaralda moved her face away taking his hand in hers looking at it quickly reading his palm and he looked at her confused before snatching his hand away. "What the hell?" Roman asked with furrowed brows. Esmaralda leaned against the brick wall stunned at what she saw. "What does it say?" Roman asked remembering she was like Destiny. Conversion of fate line and heart line going to face in the hardest choice of his life and whoever is in his shadow will share in the consequences. Looking out into the distance she saw Peter walking into a store with Letha and her eyes widened as he saw her and his eyes narrowed at her and Roman while Roman didn't see it. He then walked into the store quickly hoping she'd get rid of Roman.

"Let's go to yours." Esmaralda ushered him into his car and he nodded confused.

"Can you please tell me what it said?" Roman almost yelled at her angrily.

"Conversion of the fate and heart line, you are going to face one of the hardest choices in your life and whoever you love, will share the same consequences as you." Esmaralda informed him solemnly and he looked at her shocked.

"Shit" He muttered as he pulled into his driveway. Esmaralda looked in awe at his big home and she got out and then looked over at him with a feverish smile.

"Show me around?" Esmaralda asked him holding out her hand and Roman laughed walking next to her.

"I could show you to my bedroom." Roman suggested with a sly smile forming on his face. Esmaralda chuckled shaking her head.

"Sorry buddy but it'll take you more than a cute line to get me into bed." Esmaralda teased him running off into the garden with Roman running after.

"Really I thought girls liked cute lines." Roman stated slinging an arm around her shoulder which she pushed off.

"Not all girls. You know I don't really like places like this. I used to have a friend who lived in the Hamptons. I loved his place, it was on the edge of the beach, he had this huge spa and a massive sky light and a pool, big bedrooms, big kitchen god it was like a dream house." Esmaralda exclaimed with a small laugh making Roman chuckle watching her talk about a great house she loved.

"Sounds like you liked the house more than the friend." Roman stated jokingly making Esmaralda shrug.

"I dated him, lived with him. He was the reason I was put in juvie. SO I guess I am sort of blaming him for everything right now." Esmaralda confessed and Roman pursed his lips as he watched her carefully.

"You want to come see how nice my bedroom looks? I have some coke there." Roman offered her and Esmaralda looked up at him with interest and she laughed grabbing his hand laughing.

"Lead the way tall annoying and ugly." Esmaralda teased as he walked up the stairs with her following and entering his bedroom. Esmaralda then walked to the bar making herself a drink and then Roman got some lines up and snorted them before he ushered her over there. Esmaralda walked over to him and snorted the cocaine and threw her head back smiling to herself. Roman turned the music up in his room dancing over to her grabbing onto her waist and she laughed dancing with him twirling around. Without thinking Esmaralda leaned up placing her lips upon him desperately. Roman's grip on her waist tightened as he deepened and moved his lips frantically against hers. Esmaralda's leather jacket was soon pushed off by Roman and she pushed his jacket off and he threw her to the bed and crawled on top of her and he connected their lips together again as her legs wrapped around his waist he then got up pulling her pants off her legs and then he took off his shirt and his own pants. He then watched her as she took off her own shirt. He smirked climbing over her again and his lips met hers again as he moved his hands up her bare thighs slowly and she suppressed the urge to moan as she shivered.

Roman's hands moved slowly up her torso up to her bar and he unhooked it throwing it to the ground and then kissed his way up from the base of her tattoo right up to her breast and started sucking on it making her moan lightly and he then bit her nipple and she winced and then rolled around so that she was on top and she took off her underwear smirking as she ground her hips against his clothes junk making his eyes roll to the back of his head and he then sat up giving her a hard lip bruising kiss and rolling them around again so he was on top. He took his underwear off and positioned himself inside of her making her taking in a deep breath and he started to thrust into her with an abnormally fast pace. She fought the urge to moan as she didn't want to let Roman's ego get the best of him. Clutching onto his head board as he frantically thrusted into her she started to pant and then moved so that she was on top as she held onto the headboard gyrating her hips against his perfectly causing him to moan lightly making Esmaralda chuckle watching him tauntingly and then she felt him grip her hip trying to move her faster as she was already going deep enough he then quickly thrown her under him liking the control he slammed into her as quickly as he could praying she'd let it slip and moan. To his pleasure he watched as she let a moan slip out just as she reached an orgasm and Roman grinned as he continued to pound into her releasing soon and then rolling out looking up at the room.

Taking in a deep breath Roman sat up and lit a cigarette taking a drag. His eyes then turned and looked as Esmaralda who sat him placing her bra on for the support and Roman then handed her the cigarette and she sighed looking up at the roof taking a long drag. Roman's eyes studied her form. The sweat that was beaded and at her forehead made her hair stick to her face and he then took extra notice to the tattoos on her body. He looked at the one on her right wrist and she seemed to notice as her face formed a pathetic smile.

"Celtic tree of life. Most of these tattoos are Celtic. I'm not a big fan of gypsies." Esmaralda explained to him handing the cigarette to him letting him inhale.

"Ah why not?" Roman asked her moving the hair from his face making her shrug.

"They'd all disowned me. My family when I left with that boyfriend of mine. Sort of makes me believe that if I ever sought out a life with someone who could bring me security they wouldn't approve. I found a bunch of Celtic witches. They took me in. I used their magic. It was must more comfortable for me. I returned their appreciation but tattooing some of their symbols that I connected with. Though the one on my stomach is a phoenix." Esmaralda explained to him and he nodded watching her carefully noticing the way she talked about these people with more fondness than he'd ever seen her give anyone in her whole life.

"You regret it yet?" Roman asked her.

"Of course I do. I don't make a habit of having sex with people I like. Mind if I crash here tonight?" Esmaralda inquired and Roman sighed.

"If you must but I hope you know if you do we'll we fucking." Roman informed her getting dressed.

"I need a shower. Bye." Esmaralda informed himbooping his nose before walking off to the shower.     

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