Chapter 13: "It's happy hour somewhere"

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The next day Esmaralda woke up late and dressed in her bra and underwear making her way downstairs to the kitchen pouring herself a glass of scotch and Miranda walked up to the kitchen. "It's only the morning" Miranda stated worried as the first thing Esmaralda did when she woke up was drink. Turning around she smirked and did a cheers motion before knocking back the whole glass.

"It's happy hour somewhere blondie so zip it." Esmaralda snapped pouring herself another drink and walking up the stairs getting dressed. She then walked outside and got in the car driving off. When she got home she found Destiny there and Destiny looked at her sternly.

"I thought you'd be up in the Godfrey tower getting fucked." Destiny spat hatingly and went back to cooking. Esmaralda frowned and walked over to Destiny knowing she'd screwed up again. That Destiny hated her again.

"You told me I couldn't love him. I have stopped that. What do you want me to pledge an oath of celibacy?" Esmaralda snapped.

"What the fuck is that?" Destiny asked confused. Andres stood next to Destiny also confused.

"Jesus fucking Christ it's a sexual repression abstinence it's abstaining from all aspects of sexual activity for a period of time it is defined as a voluntary religious vow not to marry or engage in sexual activity. You know for Buddhists and nuns." Esmaralda explained to her with haste and Destiny nodded.

"She always this weird? Or is it because she'd sober?" Andres asked Destiny confused.

"Please, according to Peter, Esmaralda hasn't been sober in 2 months." Destiny stated giving her a nasty look.

"I chose my family and drank more bottle of alcohol than a therapist. Honestly couldn't get much worse than that." Esmaralda spat angrily back at Destiny.

"Fine do whatever you want it's what you are good at selfish bitch. Now come have dinner with us." Destiny offered sitting down and Esmaralda sat down with them beginning to eat.

"SO who are you crashing with?" Andres asked her.

"Roman Godfrey. Old friend," Esmaralda shared making Destiny scoff.

"More like old fuck buddy." Destiny teased making Esmaralda give her the finger.

"Oh at least I didn't get them to pay me." Esmaralda commented snidely making Destiny chuckle.

"Touché" Destiny mocked going back to her food. That night Esmaralda stayed over sleeping on the couch until morning came. Lying down on the couch she looked at her phone noticing that Roman's number was blocked. Esmaralda unblocked the number and looked at the missed calls and texts she'd gotten from him. Fury clouded her mind as she got up and stormed into Peter's room.

"Destiny text me when you see Peter I am ready to beat his ass." Esmaralda called out walking out of the house. She then left to the prison and went to go and visit Lynda. Sitting in front of there she saw Lynda and smiled kindly. "Hi Lynda how are you doing?" Esmaralda asked looking around.

"I'm doing good little mouse. You look awful." Lynda stated with pursed lips.

"I'm doing fine, just wishing this isn't what became of you." Esmaralda whispered and Lynda smiled.

"Don't worry I can handle myself. Hey maybe I'll even become working out more." Lynda joked with Esmaralda. "You know honey you are wasted in this town. Just make sure you don't ever end up here. You talk with Roman?" Lynda asked her kindly holding her hand.

"He talked to me. Destiny doesn't agree with it." Esmaralda stated with pursed lips looking down.

"Oh honey screw that. Do whatever you want because at the end of the day all that matters is if you are happy. Please stop drinking Esmaralda." Lynda begged her with a kind smile. Esmaralda rubbed her head and shook her head.

Bonnie and Clyde (RomanxOC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz