Chapter 24: "I'm trying to save you."

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 Once she recovered she ran out of the camp and turned the corner walking into a prison and walked to one of the phone talk's things. Her old boyfriend had been sent here. They were arrested just outside of Hemlock Grove which she'd never admitted to. "Mouse what are you doing here?" He asked her with a cheerful grin. Esmaralda smiled and then frowned.

"I need to borrow one of your places." Esmaralda almost begged and he sighed.

"Um you have the keys to the London, New York, Moscow ones and the Hamptons one. No one goes there because they are all mine. You can go there whenever you want." He informed her with a frown. "What trouble you in mouse?"

"Not me but a friend" Esmaralda confessed making him chuckle. "Peter is going to hurt him."

"You always did have a way of betraying your family for a boyfriend. Fine escape to New York first. I have a private jet that's in the family um my mother loves you so she still has you on the list so you can use it whenever. I have a PI in my calling book there and you can get anything from a death certificate to well new lives. Can use the bank account I set up for you. Oh and when I get out in two in a few years on good behaviour you'll have to meet up with me." He explained to her making her sigh in annoyance.

"Fine I'll see you then thank you toad." Esmaralda teased using his fake name and kissing him through the glass. She then turned away leaving the prison and she got all of the requirements for the ritual she was about to perform. Walking over to his new house she walked in looking around not finding him there she noticed it was near the near of the day. Calling Roman she waited for him to answer.

"What do you want Esmaralda? You going to help Peter kill me?" Roman snapped with a frown.

"No I am trying to save you. I have a plan Roman. I've planned it all out. I just need to perform a ritual so tell me where you are hiding." Esmaralda rushed out of the house and into her car.

"Fine at my old home. Be there soon." Roman sighed out and she hung up speeding over there passing her old house she frowned and then pulled into the driveway hiding her car from anyone namely Peter who'd realise she was about to trick him. Storming into the house she rushed inside looking around and Peter watched her noticing the desperate look in her eyes. Watching her walk around he didn't know if he could really trust her. Esmaralda had always been a wild card. The whole time he'd known her she'd always been family first but then she wasn't always running away. She wanted to prove people wrong and he knew that's why she stayed. But he wanted her to have a life to be happy and he knew the only way this ended was if Peter left his human side and he died. He wasn't an idiot enough to believe there'd be any other way. Hey maybe he could have killed Peter but she'd never forgiven him. Whatever plan she had it had to be better than the reality he was about to face. Walking downstairs he looked to her and followed her tapping on her shoulder. Esmaralda turned around and when she saw him her face lit up and her arms wrapped around him tightly and he swear he heard a whimper from her before he let her down also hugging her. "What's the plan?" Roman asked her as the two walked into his study and she poured herself a drink.

"Peter is going to become the Vargulf and he's going to kill you tomorrow night. I can't let that happen. So I'll preform a ritual, it'll create the real events, we'll both see it and we'll both feel it and but it'll be an illusion, it's powerful enough to trick the Vargulf but I'll be out for a few days. So I need you to take my belongings and yours and pack up the car and leave the town as quickly as you can. Set up a meeting with the board get a merge I've already talked to another business and they'll deal with the hard stuff. Drive to New York I have a meeting with a person I used to do business deals with, just for extra precautions new identities and death certificates. We'll decide on a home in the future." Esmaralda explained her eyes half-lidded looking down not wanting to meet his eyes. Roman's hand cupped her face turning her face up and his eyes went and met hers. His thumb brushed her face looking down at her. She was the only one who'd never tried to kill him. She'd hated it when he fed on her. In fact she'd even countered with her powers to stop him from doing so. It wasn't about sex and power now. How could it be when she was this afraid of losing him?

"I'll call an emergency meeting tonight. Go to my bedroom I'll meet you there in a moment. I promise I'm going to be here the whole step of the way." Roman promised kissing her cheek and walking off. After a long while he walked into his bedroom and sat down next to her on the bed and took notice to her smoking for once instead of the usual bottle in her hand. He reached over intertwining his hand in hers. "DO you really still not forgive me?" Roman asked her quickly and she shook her head.

"We are utterly evil monsters Roman. For people like us redemption is a death sentence. We must turn our hearts to steel so that we can live another day." Esmaralda poetically spoke solemnly.

"Do you love me?" Roman asked her trying not to sound as cold as he intended as he was grateful she was saving him.

"If we survive this then I'll give you my answer." Esmaralda informed him with a small teary eyed laugh and Roman smiled leaning over and kissing her softly. It had to have been the slowest and softest kiss they'd ever shared as if they were ready to let each other in. They'd always kept each other at a lengthy distance always afraid that somehow they'd become ruined.

"Well in case we do die I love you, you know I loved you ever since we shared the couch at the trailer." Roman teased and Esmaralda punched his arm before grabbing the stuff she needed. Drawing a circle with symbols on it and then drawing on the inside of the circle she made Roman kneel down where he was supposed to and then she grabbed some herbal potion mix and drenched Roman with it making him glared up at Esmaralda who took her shirt and pants off and then she got a knife out. Kneeling in front of him she sliced his hands open and then carved a symbol into his chest taking his shirt off. She then began chanting in Latin and slicing her neck and then stabbing herself in the stomach and slicing up her arms and then her hands she grabbed Roman's hand chanting intensely and her eyes, nose, mouth and ears began bleeding black as well as her wounds. Her tattoos then started to glow darkly and her eyes turned black and her skin grey and he grunted in pain as his mouth, eyes, nose and ears began bleeding and her wounds she had inflicted on him and he began bleeding his usual colour and then their real bodies turned invisible and he saw Esmaralda next to him.

"As soon as he walked through that door it'll bean illusion. Continue with what you were doing okay? I'll be outside near thegarden as you are fighting him or whatever I'll be making the whole Godfreygrounds an illusion so in case you fall out it'll be okay. Be careful."Esmaralda whispered kissing him without realising she meant to. Roman gave her acocky grin as she ran off. 

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