Chapter 5: "Suck a bag of dicks I never called us the order of the dragon"

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The next morning after climbing out of the couch slowly she noticed everyone was already gone. Esmaralda got dressed and got her phone out calling Roman. He smirked answering the phone.

"Just couldn't stay away huh?" The smugness in his voice only boosting his ego.

"Don't read too much into it. If I jumped off your ego it'd be classified as suicide." Esmaralda deadpanned grabbing her book bag and walking out of the trailer locking it. "DO you think you can pick me up? I missed the morning." Esmaralda informed him walking up the stairs.

"Will do," Roman agreed hanging up suddenly and Esmaralda waited on the curb for him. When he finally rolled around she smirked getting into the car and he drove off.

"I need you to drive me to the post box?" Esmaralda asked him and he agreed.

"SO why did princess suck up ditch the start of her school day?" Roman tauntingly asked her driving into town. Esmaralda scoffed with a sly smile.

"Slept in. Besides it's not like I have anything important to achieve by going there." Esmaralda stated as he pulled over and she then left to go and put the applications in and then sat back in his car.

"What were they?" Roman asked intently.

"College applications. Parole officer forced me." She stated making him nod in understanding driving her to school.

"See you later." Roman informed her going in so he could hug her but she pushed him away.

"Not going there with you." Esmaralda teased running off linking her arm with Ashley who laughed looking at her.

"Where the hell have you been? I had a double of economics and I thought I'd shoot myself." Ashley informed Esmaralda with a loud sigh.

"Slept in this morning. But I did have a fun time with Godfrey driving me to school." Esmaralda laughing loudly with Ashley. Her eyes then caught sight of Letha Godfrey with Peter and she frowned deeply before turning away quickly going into the school.

"Oh are you sure you didn't sleep with Roman?" Ashley teased.

"No I would never go there" Esmaralda stated getting some books from her locker.

"Oh right I forgot that you are into any boy that isn't interested in you." Ashley commented rolling her eyes as they walked to chemistry.

"Yes that does seem to be the case. If I go for people who aren't interested in me it's easier that way." Esmaralda's face fell confessing that and Ashley looked at her worried.

"I don't get it but I'm here if you need to talk to me. I mean you are a great person." Ashley assured Esmaralda whose face lit up with the sudden ego boost.

"I know I am." Esmaralda cheered as they listened to the teacher explain many things to them. After school Esmaralda made her way outside of the school when she saw Peter walking away from the girl he'd been with when she first arrived.

"You won't get away with it you know!" The girl called out to Peter making him stop. Esmaralda ran up to him looking back at the girl looking at her as if she were crazy.

"Who the fuck is that?" Esmaralda inquired looking back to Peter.

"Christina," Peter answered shortly storming off. Looking at him with a small frown she walked to the bus and got home later than she thought it would. As soon as she made it home Lynda looked at her confused as to why she was sweating.

"Honey why are you sweating like greased bacon?" Lynda asked confused.

"I need to find a gym quickly." Esmaralda sighed out quickly stumbling to the bathroom stripping on the way and having a cold shower. Later that night Peter walked into the trailer and he then sat next to her.

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