Chapter 23:"You are the demise of this family"

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They all followed out looking around the place hidden behind a cliff. Walking down the stairs she followed after them. "Hey Roman, in case this goes wrong there is something I need to say." Peter shared with the two slightly brash and abrupt. "Everything that's happened, you two have always been there for me. You guys have my back. Thank you." Peter graciously spoke squinting his eyes looking between the two. His eyes settled on Esmaralda softly and he then reached over hugging her tightly. "If it goes south I just want to say Esmaralda I should have let you love whoever you want. You should have known better than to let me get in the way of your life. I didn't want you to die for me."

"I'd die for you any day, you..." Esmaralda trailed off looking to Roman and reaching for his hand and Peter's. "And Roman are my family. I'd do whatever it took to keep you alive." Esmaralda confessed with a sad smile.

"We're family" Roman stated patting Peter on the shoulder before hugging Esmaralda tightly. "That mean you forgive me?" Roman asked as Peter walked away. Esmaralda looked down for a moment and then looked back up at him brushing his hair out of the way.

"No" Esmaralda answered honestly and then moved away. "But that doesn't mean I'll let you die either." Esmaralda informed him before turning away and walking into the building Roman following. They then walked into the building. They walked through the building with these massive blue tanks and screaming was echoed throughout the halls.

"This way it's coming from this way." Roman informed them running to the right of him.

"What the hell's going on?" Peter asked.

"Hm a psychopath's master plan?" Esmaralda offered as an answer. They then saw this guy in the weird water and Peter tapped him.

"Hey" He called out making the guy in the water scream. "We're here to help okay? We're gonna help you." Peter assured the man going to get him out only ending up with the man screaming for his dear life.

"Pull him out and you'll rip his skin off." Roman stated. "The thing that brought you here where is he?" Roman asked bending down looking at the man who was bawling his eyes out. "We're trying to get you out of here."

"Impossible it keeps me alive if I leave I am food." The man shivered with fear in his eyes.

"Did he have babies with him?" Peter asked.

"Babies? He'd got so many while I was swimming." He quaked.

"Where are they?" Roman asked insanely and if looks could kill his would. The man just kept spouting nonsense and crying. "Tell me where the fuck he is." Roman ordered.

"With Adam with Adam I am having the babies I am food for them" the man babbled.

"Ah the miracle or birth" Speivak cheered as he said that Roman and Peter turned their guns up at him. "Is there anything more beautiful? Hello boys and girl" He greeted them leaning forward. "Persistent little buggers good for you." He cheered again walking down his walkway up there his hand sliding across the railings. "It's Peter right? And the bitchy sister Esmaralda? I like that name. I don't think we've been properly introduced. Godsend my names Arnold Speivak. You can call me ah it doesn't matter." He introduced himself holding his right hand over the left side of his chest in front of his heart continuing down the stairs. "Miranda spoke very highly of you three. No matter how hard I prodded you oh boy did I could never weirdly get her to pick a favourite between you. So I would love to introduce you to the family. Roman alright couldn't have done this without you. Well more specifically you and that Godfrey blood line of yours holy macca all it's beautiful mutations you know two thousand tweaks of nurturing alone the way but finally a miracle." Speivak exclaimed holding his hands up as he walked past Roman who kept the gun aimed at him the whole time as he rounded the corner.

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