Chapter 20: "I'm like the magical condom"

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The next day Peter was with a guy in the ally and Esmaralda was waiting in front of the main street keeping look out boredly drinking some juice. A person was about to cut into the ally which she pushed him away from there and he walked away. Peter then came back around and walked with her taking her juice. "We got a meeting with someone tonight at the warehouse you are coming with in case things go south." Peter muttered as the two walked down the street. They then got into the car driving off. As they were driving down the street a car stopped right in front of them and Esmaralda pressed on the brake pedal as quickly as she could and one came up behind them and people with guns showed up.

"I am going to kill you for this Peter." Esmaralda spat holding her hands up next to him. They then walked up to her window smashing it chucking something at them.

"This is where it starts and this is where it ends." The man stated vaguely.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Peter asked fearfully.

"Cryptic my type of guy." Esmaralda snarked as the guy stormed off. "Yeah I'm not getting shot for you. Besides I have an bachelorette party to avoid. Need to make myself busy. Look just turn him in, try to get the least amount of bodies out, I won't get involved but try be the peace keeper, suggest one life gone, say it's a symbol of some bullshit like that, turn him in and he'll be dead and then call me." Esmaralda informed him dropping him off and Peter sighed out.

"Find might as well listen. Why aren't you helping?" Peter asked.

"Hypersensitive Antipathetic. Incarcerophobia" Esmaralda made an excuse and Peter looked at her annoyed. "Allergic and I strongly dislike jail therefore fear of jail." Esmaralda explained to him before driving off. Peter called her later that night answering slowly having put down her wine first she answered. "What can I do for you Peter?" Esmaralda asked taking another sip of her drink.

"Andres is dead." Peter cried out on the verge of tears. Esmaralda sat up sculling her drink.

"I'll be there in a moment." Esmaralda muttered quickly taking a bottle of vodka and then running back for some beer and getting into the car speeding off. When she got to where Peter was she ran over to him and wrapped her arms around him tightly stroking his hair as he cried into her shoulder. "You did it for Destiny. You did good." Esmaralda whispered trying to sooth him. "Come on Peter, I got some beer and vodka just drown your sorrows." Esmaralda offered helping him into the car and then going to the driver's seat and she then drove off back home. When they got there he'd drank all the beer and was getting started on the vodka she helped him out and up to his bedroom lying him down slowly. She then touched his cheek stroking his cheek sending him to sleep. Wiping the black tear that fell she got up and walked over to the kitchen noticing Roman and she narrowed her eyes at him. "I swear both of you are overemotional today." Esmaralda scoffed annoyed.

"Sorry if my emotions are an inconvenience to you." Roman spat not in the mood.

"It's an exasperating predicament I don't torment myself with." Esmaralda stated with a fake smile and she then rolled her eyes.

"You know the I don't give a crap about anything shit you pull most of the time it gets old really quickly. If he needs me call." Roman informed her holding her waist lightly kissing the top of her head.

"You forgot to thank me for last night." Esmaralda commented looking up at him and he smiled.

"Thank you for saving my ass, nice scar it looks badass." Roman teased leaning down kissing her scar lightly and she moved away.

"I'm not in the business of saving people and risking my life so it won't happen unless you are close to dying." Esmaralda strongly informed him before walking to the couch reading Heart of Darkness. Peter then woke up stumbling out of bed and Esmaralda handed him a piece of paper. "That's where the body is I already checked it out, he's there no one goes there not really." Esmaralda informed him turning the page which she finished.

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