Chapter 8: "She deals with her insecurities in extremes"

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After that one visit she'd spent the rest of her time trying to find a way any, way at all to avoid thinking about him, wishing she would be there with him and help him with what he was going through. Thing was she was a pathetic witch and she was an even more pathetic person. It had been like she was a zombie passing through time not feeling not caring just being there.

Over the days Esmaralda had made it a point to avoid Peter. She couldn't deal with his rambling and she didn't want Lynda to worry about her so it seemed sleeping over at her causal hook ups place and Ashley's worked for her perfectly. She'd never admit it but Roman had turned her into a weeping mess. Missing the ride he would give her to anywhere she wanted, the shit talking they would do together and more importantly the fucking. She missed it all.

Two weeks later Esmaralda was walking to a house she'd dreaded the day she'd go there. Knocking on the door she saw an older looking Destiny open it and look at her surprised but also with such hatred. "What are you doing here?" Destiny snarled coldly. Esmaralda tried to give her a smile but could only manage a frown.

"I just happened to be nowhere by and thought I haven't seen my cousin Destiny since I was a child." She stated with a smirk pushing Destiny aside walking into the house pouring herself some wine. Destiny looked at her cousin unsure of what to think. In times of need and moments of stress with Esmaralda she'd always reverted to her unpredictable nature. It might have been a sense of calming that she'd never really understood herself.

"Well you aren't welcome here Esmaralda. You haven't been since you left your family for some rich asshole who got you locked up for a year and a half. Excuse me if I'm not welcoming you with open arms." Destiny spat crossing her arms. Esmaralda chuckled amused at her words and she then took a sip of the wine and swirled it around before chugging down the rest.

"I know. But we're gypsies D; we steal whatever we can from people and tear out the love in people's hearts before we run off like little bitches." Esmaralda mused pouring some more wine and then she closed her eyes for a long moment.

"Why are you here?" Destiny inquired hoping to get rid of her as soon as she saw her.

"I am here because I need something from you. It's for Peter. I need him to be safe, no matter what he does." Esmaralda shared with Destiny who looked at her confused.

"What?" Destiny asked not understanding how cryptic Esmaralda was.

"Jesus and I thought those inbred county hick intense Christians were idiots that didn't get it. I need you to tie my life to him so that if he dies then I die in his place." Esmaralda explained to Destiny getting a point out lighting it and then inhaling it before blowing out the smoke slowly. Destiny's eyes went wide at the dark magic Esmaralda was insinuating.

"No those are extreme cases you can't." Destiny called out. Esmaralda smirked.

"I should have you know I can." Esmaralda stated with a taunting smirk. Esmaralda then chucked a vile to Destiny who caught it. "I need Peter's hair, a vile of his blood and the blood of another person who does magic. I'll expect it tonight." Esmaralda informed Destiny walking out of the house and then walking down the street. Later that night Esmaralda appeared in Destiny's house and as soon as she walked in she paused at the sight of Roman, Lynda and Destiny all there. Her blue eyes scanned over Roman frozen and Roman walked up to her wrapping his arms around her waist picking her up hugging her tightly. He then put her down grabbing her face leaning down and kissing her fiercely. Roman tried to search for something inside her eyes but she shook her head moving away.

"I'm back," Roman cheered kissing her again and Esmaralda looked over at Destiny who gave her a cold glimpse and Esmaralda smirked to herself and kissing Roman and pulled back.

"I'm glad you are okay Roman. I was worried." She confessed and he nodded laughing lightly.

"That mean you like me now? Knew I'd wear you down." Roman smugly asker her.

"I would say yes but you don't need an ego boost." Esmaralda chuckled moving away and Destiny gestured to the back to the house. Esmaralda walked down there and looked at the hair and the blood of Destiny and Peter and his hair.

"I added my hair in case you needed it." Destiny stated with a frown. "Look I don't like you but you are still my family. Don't get yourself killed over this. I've seen your fights Esmaralda, you caring about that Upir will be the death of your family. You will be the demise of this family if you choose him. You can't have both." Destiny stated sternly before walking away. Esmaralda sighed and walked into an empty space kneeling on the ground pouring her blood, Peter's and Destiny's into a goblet and then she added Peter's and her hair into it and some herbs chanting some words in Latin before she screamed in pain causing Lynda and Destiny to sprint into the room. Doubling over in pain her both started to burn and her tattoos began to glow white and blue among the fiery colour. She then moved grabbing the goblet taking a sip before pouring the blood over her and she fell back on the ground looking up at the roof before sitting up after a long moment. Rubbing her ankle she saw Peter's name and the g engraved into her and went to the shower to wash the blood off. Destiny sat next to Lynda shocked at what Esmaralda did. "Why did she do that?"

"You know her; she deals with her insecurities in extremes. Tell her she isn't smart enough, she'll get straight A's in all her classes, tell her she's not strong enough she'll work out to the max and get into more fights than you can imagine, tell her she has no one that loves her, she'll get many people to love her and then break their hearts because she can. Peter he's had a hard time trying to believe she's here to stay and here for him. She knows this and she won't stop until she can protect him the best she can. She'll die for him if she has to just so long as she can prove she will be there for him until death." Lynda explained to Destiny as Esmaralda got out of the shower and then she tied her boots up grabbing a coat.

"Where are you going?" Destiny called out.

"Nice to know you care" Esmaralda snarkedputting her coat on. "I need to visit the church, try repent for the sins Ijust committed against moral judgement." Esmaralda stated getting out of thehouse and walking to the church doing 10 Hail Mary's. 

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