Chapter 25:"we weren't bound by fate"

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Roman stalked over to the study and looked at the painting as he had a whiskey in his hand. He had come to the assumption that the hardest part of this would be Peter doing this. Hearing a crash from behind him he paid no attention knowing Peter was there. After a few moments he sighed knocking back his drink and stalking over to where Peter was strutting up to him with a murderous intent. The two then looked at each other for the longest moment analysing each other. Roman's eyes drifted down to the gun in Peter's hands and frowned.

"That gun's not gonna do you much good." Roman commented solemnly. Peter chucked the gun to the ground stoically.

"I know" Peter commented coldly before screaming running into a sprint jumping turning into a Vargulf his human side no longer there. He was lost to the beast he was. As that was happening Esmaralda got the blood mixed with the herbal potion and was chanting trying to create a dome of illusions finding she was draining all of her power turning around she saw Maree walking up to her.

"You aren't a powerful witch child your power is circumstantial drain my power and you'll be able to save him." Maree informed her and Esmaralda grabbed her without thinking twice screaming as she drained the darkest magical gypsy to ever have lives soul into her own and she then began chanting again creating the illusion. Over with Roman and Peter, Roman was tackled by the Vargulf and Roman grabbed its head chucking it to the side getting up and running to the study hoping that Esmaralda had done the illusion. The what if's kept running through his head. Thinking that he'd probably die tonight. He grabbed the first spiking metal object he could find and swung it at the Vargulf who roared at him jumping over to him biting the metal pike making Roman stumble back. As that happened Esmaralda saw Destiny walking into the house and she had made the dome affectively but she knew Destiny would destroy it. Running up she grabbed Destiny by the arm shoving her into the wall causing Destiny to look up at her with a smirk.

"I knew you'd end it." Destiny stated with a smirk.

"I've always wanted to kill you Destiny, good timing." Esmaralda stated jumping up kicking both of her feet into Destiny's chest and then flipping back landing on her feet she then went to punch Destiny who head butt her and grabbed her by the throat smashing her head on the glass table and then pinning her to the ground making her cry out in pain and then trip Destiny and she then plunged her hand into Destiny's chest sucking her spirit making it no longer exist. Roman was then tackled out of the window and as he hit the ground he tried to remind himself this was a dream it wasn't real but he couldn't feel his body. He felt the blood pooling out of his body and looking up at the sky his mind he thought about it. Esmaralda had failed. It hadn't worked. He was stuck like this. He didn't want to live this life. It was ruined. He was ruined.

"I-I can't move my body is broken look at me just do it. Please. I don't want to be this. Look at you, you are going to live out the rest of the days as a fucking animal, you hurt her you know, you broke your sister. It's over man. It's over man. Just do it just do it." Roman begged real tears forming in his eyes as he cried out. The Vargulf snarled and then dived into his chest ripping out the heart and walking away.

Roman took in a deep breath and saw Esmaralda sprawled out on the floor her eyes closed and covered in blood. Roman noticed he didn't look much better. Picking Esmaralda up he noticed the pulse still beating in her veins and took her to the bath washing her and then washing himself. He dressed her and himself waiting until morning he picked her up placing her in the car and himself and their belongings having called a moving van and transferring it all to the storage space he got in New York. He had created a joint bank account between Esmaralda and himself and driving off out of Hemlock Grove he felt a sigh of relief.

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