Chapter 19:"The scar makes you look badass."

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After getting dressed she walked out to the car holding her snow jacket close and climbing it into the car. She drove over to the Library and sat at the front desk with her feet perched up on the desk. Reading Charles Darwin cause it was a slow day in Hemlock Grove. A girl with dark hair and eyes walked up looking beautiful and refined and she had a book in her hand. Esmaralda leaned forward scanning the book. Looking at it she chuckled making the girl look at her confused. "Tales from 1,001 nights? Hm I like your choice." Esmaralda stated handing it over to her and the girl handed her some money which was a $50.

"Keep the change. Tell me one thing do they live happily ever after?" The girl asked her with a smirk.

"There aren't happy endings just a point in time where the author decides to end it. He probably does end up killing her. It only goes for 1,001 nights." Esmaralda shrugged having already read the book. The girl smiled again.

"I am Annie," She introduced herself her French accent echoing in a beautiful manner.

"Esmaralda, I'll see you around." Esmaralda shared sitting back down slinging her legs up again. A man then walked up to her next no books in hand. She remembered him as her parole officer.

"Hello I see you didn't take the college offers." He stated with a frown.

"I didn't want to be in debt my whole life." Esmaralda stated sighing heavily grabbing some chips from the counter and then opening it throwing some chips into her mouth.

"Hm I know you're still young but I want you to understand and learn this now. Marriage can wait, education cannot. You're a very, very bright girl. Truly you are. You can be anything you want Esmaralda. I know this about you." He recited looking down at her making her scoff.

"If you are going to try and give me a motivational pep-talk then try not to recite it from I book I hate. Khaled Hosseini, A thousand splendid suns right? And I don't even want to get married." Esmaralda asked finishing her chips.

"Yes I forgot you've had a lot of spare time to read most of these books." He sighed running a hand through his hair and looking down at her. "Look I got you a meeting with the board of admissions for Princeton it's in two months. I used to go there and I am on the board. Go there Esmaralda this town isn't all you are good for." He grit out before walking out of the building. After a few more hours she climbed out of the chair taking some money from the till and then walking out of the building to her car. Driving home she climbed out of the car she walked and lit a cigarette and noticed the door was open she walked in and looked around stepping on some broken glass.

"What the fuck happened here?" Esmaralda asked quickly walking over to the kitchen.

"Um I someone broke in attacked me. Annie saved my life." Roman explained to her. Esmaralda took a deep breath taking a bottle of vodka.

"Don't tell Peter." She called out walking up the stairs to her bedroom turning the heater on and going to sleep. Waking up she crawled out of bed and down the stairs grabbing her snow jacket she walked into the kitchen. "It is really cold here." Esmaralda complained as Roman handed her a aspirin which she took and then went for the strawberries.

"I'm here!" Destiny called out.

"We're in here" Peter called back to her.

"You forgot some clothes and all your stuff is in the car." Destiny informed the Rumancek twins. Esmaralda nodded a thanks and paused seeing Annie.

"Library girl" Esmaralda questioned.

"Oh I didn't know you lived here." She muttered and Esmaralda shrugged going to walk outside. She then spent a majority of the day unpacking her belongings. The next day while walking out of the gym with her gym bag she got a text from Peter and frowned deeply going to meet up with him at a diner. Sitting down she ordered some waffles and looked to Peter who looked on edge.

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