3: Dollhouse

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After Castle and Beckett arrest the criminal in LUCKY STIFF Beckett decides she wants to go back to the club.


Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains

Melanie Martinez - Dollhouse


"Hey Castle," the lovely brunette called, "You wanna go back to that club? Party a little?" She asked looking up from her her phone, a semi-worried expression plastered to it. Under normal circumstances Detective Beckett would never ask him to go 'clubbing',  but maybe she just wanted to have a little fun.

"Why Detective what's gotten into you?" Castle joked, smiling a little. He was already in.


Castle stared in awe as the woman beside him downed yet another shot. He knew she was already drunk, so what's the point in only adding to your hangover? He watched as she ordered another; the bartender was worried about her but not wanting to refuse service, she's seen some like this before.

While Kate was waiting for her shot she turned and looked over at Castle, a smile radiating across her mouth. She giggled and stood up, catching herself as her knees slightly buckled.

As Castle saw her fall he quickly stiffened ready to catch her, but after she caught herself Castle relaxed the tiniest bit, but only gained for worry as he saw her go out to the dance floor.

He knew she could well handle herself while she was sober and even drunk, but this was a new drunk. This was a deep drunk. He didn't even know why she wanted to come back here.

He was startled from his thoughts when the bartender placed down her next shot. She glanced sympathetically over at Castle and placed her elbows on the wood next to him,

"Let me know if you need me to tell her we're out." She said and patted his shoulder.

Castle looked down at his watch and then back up at her, "It's only 12:40, she'd never believe it, not even after this." Castle indicated towards her shot. The bartender laughed and walked over to attend other guests.

Castle looked back up to the crowd and felt his stomach drop when he couldn't see her. He sat up taller, a wave of worry washing over him. After a few people in the crowd moved and he saw her dancing her little heart out. He thought it was cute. He'd never seen anything more adorable.

Only when he saw a man walk up to her did his body stiffen again. He actually didn't know if she could tell him to go or not. She had just had another shot with another waiting her for her, and it probably wasn't the best idea if she had more, but he knew, yes he knew that she would still scold him from taking something away from her.

He pulled himself from his thoughts when he saw the man pull Kate closer to him. The man moved her hips against himself and Kate didn't even know what was going on. This disgrace to the human race was taking advantage of her. He began sliding his hand up her dress, about to lift it over her hips, and Rick knew what his intentions were.

Castle jumped up from his seat and pushed through the fields of people before he reached her with this man trying to get his fingers inside of her. Castle was angry.

He grabbed Kate's arm and pulled her away from the man, herself falling into Castle's chest. She quickly pushed herself away from him and hit his chest, "Castle," she slurred, "what're you doing." She managed. There was an angry tone to her voice and he didn't understand why, he had just saved her from the pig.

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