29: Endless Love

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Castle and Beckett are watching Benny (The Good The Bad And The Baby) And Castle finds out that Beckett wants to try and have children.


Two hearts,
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun
Forever (Oh)
I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms
And love, oh love
I'll be a fool, for you I'm sure
You know I don't mind (Oh)
You know I don't mind
'Cause you,
You mean the world to me (Oh)
I know I know
I've found, I've found in you
My endless love

Lionel Richie - Endless Love


Castle had just thrown away the paper towel that he used to get Benny's throw up off of the shoulder of his shirt. He turned around looking at Beckett who was holding Benny, different than before. She wasn't holding him like a bomb, she was holding him like a mother. And he loved that. He imagined himself having children with her, playing around the house together, building forts, taking them to the park. He imagined Kate rocking their child to sleep in her arms while singing softly. It almost brought tears into his eyes.

"What?" Beckett asked with a hesitant smile, noticing the big grin plastered on Castle's face.

"Nothing." He smiled.

"Your face doesn't look like nothing." She countered with a smile.

"I was just daydreaming."


"You." He matched her smile.

"Good." She laughed. Benny matched her laugh and Beckett fell in love with this baby even more. At first she had wanted to object bringing the baby home because she didn't consider herself a baby person. But spending the night with Benny and with Castle made her a baby person. And maybe Maddie was right, maybe she did want little Castle babies.

Castle had finished walking over and Beckett handed over Benny. They figured they would feed him one more time them put him to bed. Castle held Benny while he told Beckett how to make the bottle. It wasn't as hard as Kate thought it was going to be. She brought the bottle to Castle and handed it to him. She then sat down next to him and watched as Castle gently fed Benny. Yeah, she did most definitely want little Castle babies. But would it be to dangerous? With everything going on would they be able to have a family while the person behind her mother's murder was still on the loose? Their baby would just be another liability, and she didn't want that. She didn't always want a family, but being with Castle and now having experiences with a baby and with Alexis was all she needed to convince her want a family. She wanted something to be a combination of both Castle and her, and a baby was the way to do that. Goodness, if she had a child that was her and Castle's she would be on cloud nine. Still, did the dangers outweigh the good?

"Kate," Castle asked bringing her out of her daze, "What's wrong? You look worried."

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just tired." She replied, knowing that Castle's wouldn't buy it but also knowing that he was too smart to push right now.

"Just let me know if I can do anything, ok?" He asked trying to hide his concern, knowing she obviously could sense it from a mile away.

"Yeah." She smiled. A silence fell between them and they basked in the beauty of the little human that was Benny. Kate was switching between watching Castle and Benny every minute or so. She could definitely picture Castle holding their child, whether it be a boy or a girl.

"Do you want to try and feed him?" Castle asked meeting her gaze.

"Um...I've never fed a baby before." She said with slight shame in her tone.

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