16: The Edge Of Glory

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Beckett is with Demming  and Castle thinks he's lost her. It hurts him so he and Demming have an unofficial competition to see who can win her affection.


It's time to feel the rush to push the dangerous
I'm gonna run right to, to the edge with you
Where we'll both fall far in love

Lady Gaga - The Edge Of Glory


Castle felt his shoulders drop as he saw her with him. They looked happy and it killed him. It made his insides flip and his mouth go sour. He was defeated. He lost. And he couldn't bare it, yet there was nothing he could do but wish her the best and still stand by her side. Because maybe, one day, if his wildest dreams come true, she could see what's in front of her and be with him. But that was very unlikely. Very. Unlikely.

"Castle?" His thoughts were bursted when he saw a smiling Beckett staring down at his in his chair, with a just as happy Tom Demming, with his arm wrapped around Kate's shoulder. It was clear that they were very happy.

"Huh?" He asked, trying to hold back his sad expression.

"I'm heading out, it's late anyways. So go home, and get a good nights sleep, ok?" She couldn't seem to wipe the giddy happiness off of her face, which only made her look even more beautiful. He just wished that smile was for him. But it wasn't.

"Why, detective Beckett, ending early on a Wednesday night, I must be in a parallel universe." He joked, hoping that it would make his breaking heart seem unprovable.

"Oh shush, just be happy you don't have to sit and watch me do paperwork."

"I actually wouldn't have minded." He frowned.

"Oh-" she muttered, kind of caught off guard, "well maybe tomorrow, but-good night." She tried to create her bright smile once more, but it was clear that she had caught on to the hurt that was burning inside him.

"Night." He smiled. It wasn't very convincing for her or for him, but for now, it would have to do.

He too stood and put on his jacket before walking over to the elevator with them. He wanted to take the stairs, only God knows how much he wanted to take the stairs. But if he did, it would only cause more controversy between him and Beckett which is something he definitely didn't want. She would ask him questions and he would get upset and probably end up saying something he would regret. So he grew a pair and hopped into the elevator with them.

The whole agonizing ride down consisted of them whispering in each other's ears, and giggling, while he placed careful kisses onto her cheek and down her jaw, to her neck. She did stop him though, because the two of them were still 'at work.'

Finally though, the elevator reached the bottom floor and opened for the three of them to leave, one in a taxi, and two in a car. Rick was in the taxi.

When he got home he went to bed alone, nursing a bottle of scotch, with only one woman on his mind. That of Katherine Beckett.

As morning approached Castle woke with a jolt to a knocking on his door. He sat up and wiped the slight drool off of his chin. He then trudged over to the door and unlocked it, pulling it back revealing the person standing before him.

It was her. The only woman on his mind.

"Beckett? Uh-what are you doin' here?" He asked standing back allowing her to enter his loft in the early hours of the morning. Actually, it was 9:40, not really early to her, but definitely early for him.

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