4: Control of the Knife

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A case blows up in Person A's face, everything goes wrong. Person A leaves and goes to drink. When Person B finds them, they see a sight they wish to unsee


You're keeping control of the knife
But I'm not your darling
It's keeping me cold in the nights
But honey you're starving

Girls Aloud - Control of the Knife


Her mother's case blew up in her face. They thought they had it all. They were following a lead, it was the biggest lead they had ever found, and Kate was finally ready to close this case and get justice, her heart pounding, anticipation at its peak. Everyone was over the moon, especially Castle that this case, that had out Beckett through so much, was finally ending. Castle wants nothing more than for that smile, her wonderful smile, to always be on her face. They were rounding the final corner of all this trouble and heartbreak, but then it all went away. Everything, it was as if they were back at square one. And Kate took it hard. Castle swore he could see the light and the life in her eyes drain out. He could feel her heart breaking. The minute she found out the news,  she took no more than three seconds to process, and stormed out of the precinct and no one has been able to find her since.

Everyone is worried about her. They put the case on hold and solely focused on making sure their best detective was safe. They checked her place her called her dad, and asked everyone remotely acquainted with New York's finest, and they mean everywhere and everyone. But she's no where to be seen. So Castle thought for a moment.

Where would Kate go when she was upset?

Maybe a bar? Maybe somewhere quiet? Most likely a bar, but which one? What if she didn't even go to one?

He pulled out his phone and texted her.

Hey, where are you, we're all worried about you.

She didn't respond, and ten minutes later he texted her again,

You know I love you, right? Just let me know your safe.

Yet no response. Should he check the bars? Did that seem logical? He didn't know anymore, he just wanted to find her and hold her in his arms again.

He told the boys and Lanie, and the Captain, that he would go out and check the local bars and pubs. They nodded and told him to text them if he found d her and they would do the same if she showed up at the precinct or morgue.

And with that he went out to explore the cold, gloomy streets of New York.

After checking six other places he decided he would give up after this last one. He crossed his fingers and stepped through the doors.

There she was. Her beauty and all. By the time he found the bar it was 10:21. He slowly walked up and sat down next to her. She turned her head and looked at him with sad eyes.

He thought despite her current emotional state, with her messy hair she looked kinda cute. But this wasn't the time to be cute he was very worried about her.

"Beckett-we were all worried, we-we-" Castle stammered.

"Oh calm down Castle, I've been here the whole time." She said looking down at her hands. Wow, she wasn't as drunk as he thought. So what was she doing here this whole time if she wasn't drinking?

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