32: Hurts Like Hell (Part 2)

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Previously on Hurts Like Hell...


"If you want me gone, just say the word Kate. I won't hold it against you and you shouldn't feel guilty about it. I deserve it. For what I did."

"I need time. To think."

"Yes, of course anything."

"You should probably go."


And with that he was gone. Would she ever see him again?


She hadn't seen him in about two weeks. When she told him she needed time he gave it to her. For once he listened. Over that time she reflected on the past events of both when he was gone and when he first came back. He acted like a complete ass and she was sure he knew that. He did though open up about his own insecurities regarding whether she wanted him to call or not. But she told him she would be waiting for his call before he left. Maybe he forgot that. She didn't understand why he thought coming back after a couple of months gone everything would be fine. He had said some hurtful things to her, but so had she.

She was sitting in her living room alone pondering on whether or not to call him. Her thumb wavered over his name on and off for about fifteen minutes before she finally pressed down on the screen. It rand two times before he picked up.

"Kate. Hi." He sounded surprised over the speaker.

"Hi," she paused taking a deep breath before continuing, "Do you want to meet up?"

"Y-yeah. Just tell me where."

"The coffee shop where you always get our coffee. What's the address?"

Castle replied through the phone and they agreed to meet there now. Kate was nervous but conveyed confidence in her decision over the phone. She didn't know what would come of their meeting, but she had an optimistic outlook. Kind of.

Rick was the first to arrive at the coffee shop. He was nervous because he didn't know what she was going to say to him. Was she going to forgive him? Shun him and tell him she never wanted to see him again? He didn't know and that unnerved him. He chose a table in the corner of the shop not wanting anyone to be listening in on their conversation. He said to himself that no matter what she said he would accept it and understand. He owed her that much after what he did to her. He was about to check him phone when he heard the bell attached to the door jingle. He looked up and saw her. She looked tired. Like she had battled this decision of meeting him over and over in her head until she couldn't anymore. She spotted him quickly and gave him an unsure smile. She sat down in front of him and brushed her hair back behind her shoulders.

"Hi." She shyly spoke.

"Hey." He replied.

Usually there was nothing awkward between them. Everything would flow nicely, even in silence. But now. It was uncomfortable, none of them knowing what to say or how to act. Castle decided to let Kate set the pace.

"Thank you for meeting me." She said.

"Of course. Anything for-yeah...of course."

"I've missed you at the precinct," she began," all of your theories."

"I miss giving them." He chuckled uncomfortably, not knowing how to respond.

"I've done a lot of thinking over the last two weeks and I thought it be fair to tell you what I've been feeling."

"Of course."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm still upset about how you acted but I've come to sort of see your side. And I think that I could've acted better as well. I could've explained myself to you and told you why I was so upset, instead of shutting you out and acting like a child," she pause taking in a deep breath. She held it, letting it out as she spoke, "I know that I said I missed your theories, and I have, but i think that part that I missed the most was you. Castle...you've been such a bright light in my life and you've done a lot of things I don't approve of, but you've also done a lot of good. I want you back at the precinct."

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