Chapter 2

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Your POV

After a little while i let go of the hug and wipe my tears away. "I should go home by now but since there is like 2 feet of snow outside so I can't like BUJEEZUS WONT THE SNOW JUST LET ME PASS" I heard bendy snicker and then laugh, I followed shortly after. I wipe one of my tears because I laughed too much and then I just sit there in total silence. "hi guys" I whip my head to see boris with his chest still open and waving hello to us, "OMG BORIS YOU ARE ALIVE AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" I said running in circles and then tripping to land on my face. I heard boris laugh and bendy laugh too so I let out a groan of pain and stand up. I glared daggers at the two and bendy seemed scared so he put his hands up, surrendering but boris didn't notice me but kept laughing. 

Bendy POV

Her laugh WAS cute but she seemed to glare at us so I just surrender and walk backwards to where my room was and don't ask why I got one. I just lay on my bed fantasizing about me stabbing joey a billion times as I smirk to myself. I heard the door open with henry's voice echoing and I heard shuffling and see my door open with (Y/N) trying to hide, "bendy, can you hide me here? I don't want my father to see me..." WAIT HER FATHER IS HENRY?! I let (Y/N) hide in my room "(Y/N), why are you hiding?" "I...........escaped from home........and lived by myself since I wanted to get away from him so I ran away" My heart clenched and she added "he was going insane and slowly becoming like my grandfather joey......" "i'm gonna do something, wait here" I heard a hum of approval from her as I went off to scare henry at the ink machine and kill him to where the pentagram was. I stabbed henry at the head so he wont move, "b-bendy? w-w-what did you do to him?" I saw (Y/N) peeking with fear in her eyes. "n-nothing (Y/N)" "I saw you stab him..........." I look at the ground with guilt and go back up and patch the hole "sorry........." I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and it was (Y/N) hugging me for the 3rd time this morning. "no.......actually im happy you did that, I wanted him gone for years, he just abuses me for animating you in my room saying 'that is a old crappy cartoon, just STOP animating bendy or I will disown you' or something along those lines............i'm in debt bendy" My eyes widen and reply, "no no its ok (Y/N) you dont have to pay me back just for killing your dad or something" I heard her giggle again which made my heart flutter a bit. She let go of the hug and flail her arms to the air and run yelling "BOI OH BOI AM I FREE FROM DAT HELL OF A DAD" I just laugh at her actions and smiling there like a goofball. 

Your POV

I loved the memes that I found in the internet and I loved re-enacting them so many people think i was insane or a weirdo but I completely ignore them and go back to my memes. I would usually laugh when I animate bendy doing my favorite memes like the spongebob BOI meme. It seemed like eternity of my running around the workshop and I stop seeing boris drinking ink looking at me. "jeezus christ" I said in a funny tone backing away a bit and boris started laughing along me. I swear I saw bendy glaring a bit at boris so I just question it and then shrugged it off. I was tired at the moment so I slept on a chair at the projector room where I was supposed to be watching test animations of bendy. Before I went unconscious, I felt a pair of arms lift me and set me on soft fabric.

Bendy POV

I saw her sleeping on a chair in the projector room so I just let her sleep on my bed since I don't really need sleep unless im tired as heck. I accidentally fell asleep beside (Y/N) since I was tired from killing henry earlier. When I woke up I saw boris taking pictures and (Y/N) curled up in a ball, sleeping. "BORIS STOP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD" I whisper yelled at him so I wont wake (Y/N) up. 


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