Chapter 12

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Your POV

I led bendy to the park and we sat down while i'm making a flower crown for shaits and gaiggles and hum a silent melody while doing it. Suddenly the same boys surrounded me but plus bendy since I dragged him along, I smirk silently to myself while they are insulting us but one sentence triggered me. "awwww are they a couple? cause they both look DISGUSTING like heck they belong in a garbage can!" then their group roared in laughter while some of them are shoving us to the other so I made myself look intimidating by doing the melting ink trick and they all ran away, "you ok bendy?" I said helping him get up. "yeah im fine but wanna go to the workshop?" "k!!" I said holding bendy's hand again and running to the workshop smiling, when we got in we heard banging noises at one of the coffins so I open it up only to get tackled by a angry stella. She held my neck in place as I try to breathe, "YOU LITTLE BI**CH!! YOU LOCKED ME UP!" she said punching me in the guts and still holding my neck. I was about to pass out since of the lack of air but suddenly I heard a stabbing sound and see stella go limp and a knife stuck out of her neck, bendy immediately hugged me "i-im sorry i didnt act sooner" he said looking at the ground. "nah its ok" I say getting up then helping him, "say, isnt there one place we didnt get to yet?" "oh you mean the recording stations?" bendy asked me. "yeah that place!" "oh yeah here lemme help you get there because you might get lost" he said holding my hand and leading me to the huge room filled with chairs and some cutouts of bendy in some places.


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