Chapter 11

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Your POV

I woke up to see me hugging bendy so my face flushed red and I got up slowly, so i wont startle him. I dressed up in my usual clothes and went to the park for a while to get some fresh air since I had nothing to do. Some boys surrounded me and said "oh look its the freak from school! I bet she has a weird house now!" "i heard she lives at that abandoned and haunted workshop!" "serves her right!" I tried my best to hold back tears as they laughed at me shoving me from one boy to another. I got fed up and punched one of the boys as I got some punches and kicks, "oh look! the freak is fighting back! go pin her down!" I dodge their attempts and kick one boy to the other making them fall on their backs. "I AM NOT A FREAK AND WILL NEVER BE!" I yelled still trying to hold back tears, one of the boys got me and held me in place as I struggled to get out of his grip and I looked over their leader with wide eyes as he was holding a pocket knife. "N-NO! DONT DO IT!" I said a couple of tears going down my cheeks, "hah! im not gonna show you mercy!" he said cutting my cheek and making cuts on my arm which made me cry. I got the chance and got out so I ran back to the workshop which I call home now, I saw bendy walking in the hallway so I ran into his room and cried there. "(Y/N) what happened?!" he said running to me and sitting me up with worry written all over his face, "b-boys at the park picked on me......they were at my school, a-and their leader made cuts on my cheek and arms and it hurts!" I said between sobs as I hugged bendy and was crying on his shoulder. The medical supplies were all used up and we cant get any since those boys might do worse on me so bendy had a idea, "(Y/N) we dont have the medical supplies but I think we can do ONE thing and you might not wanna do it......" he said rubbing my back. "w-what is it?" "i think you can be like half ink and half human but I think you wont want that but side effect is you are gonna be immortal unless you were hit at the correct spot but yeah......." "l-lets do it......." 

Bendy POV

I was shocked but worry still written all over my face as I led her to the ink machine, I made her stand to where the ink should drop as I turn the machine on and ink covered her form then suddenly what I saw was..................(Y/N) now wearing black and white clothes but her eyes are still (E/C) and her hair still (H/C), her skin is white and pale like a cartoon character's so it worked. A blush crept onto my cheeks as I stared at her up and down, "what is it? is something on my face??" she said poking her cheeks and looking at her hands and clothes like as if it was normal. "n-nothin well you wanna go somewhere?" "hmmmm k" she said grabbing my hand and we go outside and some people looked at us in disgust but (Y/N) seemed to be enjoying so I just followed her lead as she sat on a bench smiling while making a flower crown.


Bendy x Female!Reader - Dream came true.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum