Store runs and Prison visits

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 "Mom do I have to go to school?" Henry whines while grabbing his backpack. "C'mon Henry I know you miss winter break but at least it's Friday" Henry sighs and sits down for breakfast, grabbing the cereal. "Do you want some Cereal?" He asks and I say "Sure just let me grab my purse". I go into my room and grab my purse and my phone charger. I don't know how long I'll be at work today so better be safe than sorry. I walk back to the kitchen and sit down. "You're leaving already?" Henry asks. "Yeah my boss wants me to be ready to go to work at anytime. It depends when the lawyer for the case I'm working gets there" I say rolling my eyes. "You don't like her?" I shrug while pouring my cereal. "She's okay but she's one of those people who thinks they're better than anyone, and the way she says Ms. Swan. Ugh. It's the same case since November and we still haven't set a court date because Queen Regina doesn't know when she'll be free." I feel bad for Robin, he's innocent yet he's sitting in jail awaiting his trial instead of being with his family. I got his son a gift for Christmas. It was small; just a stuffed animal and a toy train station. It was the least I could do considering I was the one who put his dad back into jail so he wasn't there for him during Christmas.

My phone starts ringing and I look at the caller ID and it's the receptionist at the station. Shit. I pick up and I hear "Emma, Captain Lance wants you to come into work now. Miss. Mills can't come today.." she says. "Then why does Captain want me to come? " I ask. "He wants you to talk with Robin before she gets here tomorrow because he seems to be changing his story" What? "Okay I'll be there". I say before hanging up. I look at the clock and get up fast. "I'm sorry Henry but I can't be late". He nods "'Okay. See you at dinner?" I nod and walk towards the door and tell Henry "I'll try to be done by then kid. Bye! Love you." I leave before I can hear him respond.

I practically run to my car and race to the station. Robin can't be changing his story now. Looking like a liar in front of a judge won't help  his plea. I bet this is because of Regina. That bitch I swear when I see her I will give her a piece of m-. My intrapersonal rant is cut off when I see I've arrived at the precinct. I get my purse and files and make my way to Robin's cell. I have the guard move him to one of the interrogation room so we can discuss why he's changing his story.

Robin walks in completely disheveled. "Robin?" I say hesitantly and better look at him. He has a bruise under his left eye and his upper lip is split. "You look terrible! Did you get in a fight?" He looks up at me after sitting down. He waits until the guard locks his handcuffs to the table.

"More like I got beat the shit out of me until the guards could pull them off me" he says.

  "Who would do that and why?!" I ask examining is black eye.

  "There's a gang in the prison run by a guy named Abruzzi. He said something about doing it for the money."

  "Money? So, Mr. Gold puts you in jail, learns we're on to him, then pays to get you beat up." I say shaking my head. "It's a message from him, to get you to back off"

   "Maybe we should" Robin says sounding just as beaten and broken as he looks.

  "What? But you were wrongfully convicted." I reason with him.

   "I stole before. That much is true so if anything, I deserve to go to jail."

"You stole to get by. You're not a bad guy and you don't deserve to go to a maximum security prison just to get beat up."

   He looks at me and sighs. "Emma listen, this week it was me. What if next week Gold goes after you or one of our sons?! I can't risk anyone else. I'm done. I'll take the conviction and serve my time."

   "You'd be serving Gold's time" I say. He looks at me again but doesn't say anything. "I've made up my mind Emma. I appreciate your help but there's nothing you can do."

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