The message

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    "Emma?" I hear something in the back of my mind call my name. Ouch. Why does my head hurt so much? Suddenly the memories of last night flood back and I groan. "She's starting to respond. Emma? Emma can you hear me" the voice asks. It takes all my strength but I nod. I try to open my eyes. What? There's a bright light shining in my eyes and I have to turn away. "Get that bloody thing out of her face" I hear a voice that sounds like Killian. That's enough to get me to try and open my eyes again. "I have to check her" another voice argues. "Well, you can do that after she can bloody stand".

    Killian? Henry? Henry! I hear the slap that knocked him out yesterday in the back of my mind. I have to make sure he's okay. "Henry?" I groan. Strong but gentle hands cup my face and I manage to open my eyes. At first, it's a bit blurry and there is still searing pain but I can see Killian. He looks so worried. Why does that thought make me feel warm inside?

    "Henry's fine Emma. How are you feeling?" Killian asks. I start to shake my head but it just makes the pain worse. "Not great," I say. Killian nods and the paramedic from before comes over and checks my eyes and head and gives me some medicine that'll help me sleep.

    Killian stays by my side and holds my hand the whole time. He looks fine for the most part. He has a bruise forming though. Now that I think about it. He'll probably look even hotter with a bruise. At least something good came out of this.

    When the paramedic finishes I manage to stand up. And by "I manage" I mean with Killian lifting me and using a chair to hold on to. He walks me over to the big comfy couch in my living room and I get a chance to look around.

    My place is completely trashed. Lamps, books, and chairs were broken, thrown and flipped over. Not the books. I think before Killian sets me down gently. When I hit the couch, the shooting pain in my ribs resurfaces. Killian sees me wince and kneels over quickly. "Emma? Is it your ribs? That son of a bitch kicked you so hard." Killian says clenching his fists. I reach over and grab his fist and smile. Or at least I try to. It probably just looked like a pathetic wince because Killian unclenched his hand and looked at me. "Sorry. I'll find someone to come check out your ribs". I nod and rest my head back on the small decorative pillow. I should've invested in softer pillows. You just had to go for the cute ones from pottery barn, didn't you? I hear footsteps and open my eyes expecting to see Killian or the medic but when I see Henry kneeling next to me do a double take. He has a dark purple bruise on his right eye. It breaks my heart just looking at it.

    "Hi mom," Henry says smiling. "Are you okay?" I stare at him for a split second more then answer "I'm fine Henry. How are you?" I say worried. He shrugs "It doesn't feel as bad as it looks. Don't worry mom. Besides, maybe Violet and the other kids at school will think it's cool. I'll just tell them I got it defending a poor old lady from a mugger. I'll be the school hero." Henry says smiling, already imagining the praise. I chuckle and say "My hero". 

    I lay my head back down and put my hand over my eyes. "My headache is getting better but my ribs still hurt like hell," I say. Henry's eyes flash with worry. "But I'm sure I'll heal quickly. You know me kid." I add quickly. He nods and smiles. "Speaking of pain. You should've seen Killian's face when you wouldn't wake up. It looked like he was internally debating whether to stay with you or going and finding the guys who did this them a piece of his mind." Henry says and I smile. Good. "I guess the two blows to my head and to my ribs really did a number on me. Who would've thought?" I say sarcastically.

    "For how long?" I hear a voice being me say and then after a pause "She won't like that but I'll tell her" the voice continues. I open my eyes and sit up the best I can. I see a brown leather out of the corner of my eye and immediately know who was speaking. Graham. This isn't good. But Killian and I are closer now so there's no reason for him to get jealous. Right? Before I can decide Graham walks over to me and gives me the best hug he could manage given the position I'm in. 

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