Chapter One

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*Ava's POV*

This is it. I walked into the large arena. I was finally going to see Justin Timberlake in concert! I was with my Best friend Grace. She doesn't love him as much as I do but she still likes him.

"Grace, what if we meet my man?" I smiled. Yes I call him 'my man'. Even though he is married to the beautiful Jessica Biel.

"I highly doubt we'll meet him." Grace said as we sat in our seats.

"You never know Grace. He could meet me and we'll fall in love." I laughed.

"Ava he's married." She laughed.

"Alright a girl can dream!" I said. As we talked a man came up to us.

"Hi my name is Johnny." The man smiled.

"You're Justin Timberlake's manager!" I smiled. I can't believe it's him!

"So you know who I am?" Johnny laughed.

"Of course!" I laughed.

"I'm Grace and she's Ava. She knows everything about Justin." Grace said.

"Well sometimes Justin will tell me to give two VIP tickets and backstage passes to two very lucky people." Johnny smiled. Oh My God this is not happening.

"So here you go."Johnny smiled. This is really happening!

"Oh my God thank you so much!" I smiled as I hugged him. Grace and I both cheered and hugged eachother. Then Johnny showed us to our seats and left.

"I told you we're going to meet him!" I cheered.

"Alright you were right!" Grace smiled. I can't believe I'm going to meet Justin Randall Timberlake.

*Justin's POV*

"C'mon Jess don't do this. I love you." I said into my phone. I was talking to my wife Jessica.

"I'm sorry Justin but I'm just not happy." She sighed.

"How are you not happy Jess? Last week you seemed happy." I said.

"I found someone else Justin. I've been seeing him for awhile now. " She answered.

"Who the hell is it?" I yelled into the phone.

"I'm not telling you Justin. But soon you will get the papers and I want you to sign them."She said.

"I thought you were the one Jess. But you are just like Britney." I sighed.

"Don't you dare compare me to her Justin." She snapped. I then hung up the phone.

I sighed and threw my phone on the couch and sat down. I then started crying. My marriage was over. I felt sad and alone. I hadn't felt like this for a long time. The last time I did was when Britney cheated on me.

I sighed and wiped my tears away. I had to look happy. I had a show to do and people to please. This is my job and no matter what happens I have to go to 'work'. I then put my suit jacket on, fixed my bow tie and walked out of my dressing room to be greeted by my good friend Jimmy Fallon and his wife Nancy.

"Hey Justin!" Jimmy smiled.

"Hey Jimmy. Hey Nancy." I faked smiled.

"What's wrong?" Nancy asked. This woman could read me like a book.

"Nothing. I'm just a little nervous for tonight." I lied. I couldn't tell anyone about Jess. Hopefully they believed it.

"Tomorrow you're off right?" Jimmy asked.

'Cause it's like you're my mirror  (A Justin Timberlake Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now