Chapter Forty Three

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*Justin's POV*

"I can't believe we're married." I smiled at Ava.

"Neither can I." She smiled. We kissed one last time before we were announced into the reception.

" For the first time ever! Here they are, Mr and Mrs Justin Timberlake!" The DJ cheered. Ava and I walked into the reception and everyone cheered loudly.

"The newly weds will now do their first dance." The DJ said when everyone was quiet. Ava and I walked to the middle of the dance floor as the introduction to "Mirrors" began.

It's kind of weird that I'm dancing to my song and I'm not singing it live. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck. We began to sway to the music.

"So Mrs Timberlake how does it feel to be married?" I smiled.

"It feels pretty amazing. What about you Mr Timberlake?" She smiled.

"Amazing." I smiled. She smiled and we kissed. Everyone went 'Aw'.

"I'm pretty sure every time we kiss they're going to say aw." I laughed.

"It's alright. The second best part of this is that I can kiss you whenever I want." She smiled. I smiled and kissed her.

"What is the best part?" I smiled.

"Being married to you." She smiled. I smiled and pulled her closer to me. We leaned our heads on each others shoulders.

"'Cause it's like you're my mirror. My mirror staring back at me. How could it get any bigger with anyone else beside of me? And now it's clear as this promise that we're making two reflections into one. 'Cause it's like you're my Mirror. My Mirror staring back at me." I sung quietly as the music played.

"I love you." She smiled.

"I love you more." I smiled. After our first dance we sat the the head table next to us was Nancy,Jimmy,Winnie, Grace, Stephen and Jonathan.

"Hey big bro!" Stephen called.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can you slip me a little something to drink?" Stephen grinned.

"No Stephen!" I sighed.

"Justin!" Stephen groaned.

"Dad will kill both of us! No!" I said. Stephen sighed and sat back in his chair.

"Why don't you go and get some apple juice?" I smiled.

"Not funny Justin." Stephen glared at me.

"Winnie would be happy you share with you." Jimmy laughed.

"Winnie would you share with Uncle Stephen?" I smiled.

"Yes!" She cheered. She ran over to him and handed him her glass of apple juice.

"Thanks Winnie. This is why you're my favorite of the family." Stephen smiled. He then took a drink. We all laughed at him.

"Alright everyone! The best man is going to do his speech!" The DJ said. Everyone cheered as the DJ handed Jimmy a microphone.

"Hey guys!" Jimmy smiled. "First off I want to thank Justin for choosing me as his best man. You are like my brother. So thanks my man." Jimmy smiled.

"My man." I chuckled.

"What Justin?" Jimmy sighed. I laughed and stood up and grabbed the microphone and began to do my impression of Jimmy. Everyone was laughing.

"That is not what I do!" Jimmy said.

'Cause it's like you're my mirror  (A Justin Timberlake Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now