Chapter Thirteen

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*Ava's POV *

"Justin wake up!" I said to him. Grace and I both wetr on the ground next to him trying to wake him up.

"What should we do?" Grace asked me.

"I don't know! You're the nurse!" I said.

"I'll be back!"She said as she ran away.

"Please wake up." I whispered to him. I felt tears stream down my face.

She soon came back with a bucket of water and a towel.

"Move Ava!"She said. I moved away from Justin and she dumped the water onto him. He then suddenly woke up!

"What the hell?"He yelled. Grace and I were back at his side with the towel.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I asked him.


"Trace is what happened." He sighed.

"What do you mean? "Grace asked.

"He was the one at the door."He explained. Grace went into the kitchen and came back with a ice pack for him. He thanked her and put it on his face.

"I'm gonna kill him." He said.

"No you aren't. You are going to be the better person and not do anything."I told him.

"Why?" He sighed.

"Because he's not worth it." I said. He looked at me and sighed.

"Please?" He asked.

"C'mon Ava. You would do the same thing." Grace said to me. I glared at her and she smiled.

"Call Jimmy and see if he can help you." I said. He got up off the ground and hugged me. He then pulled out his phone and called Jimmy. After he got off the phone with him he told us when he would be here.

"His flight leaves in fifteen minutes. He'll be here in two hours." He smiled.

"Are you sure about this Justin?" I asked him.

"Yes Ava." He smiled.

"Alright but if your mom skypes you and sees you with a black eye, I will tell her what happened." I said, He laughed and smiled at me.

"Alright it's a deal." He smiled.

"What about the concert tomorrow? Everyone will see what happened." I said.

"I'll put something on to cover it." He said.

"You just have a plan for everything don't you?" I laughed.

"Yeah I do." He smiled. What am I going to do with him?

*Justin's POV*

*2 hours later*

"I'm here!" Jimmy said as he ran into my house.

"Jimmy!" We all cheered.

'Alright let's do this." He said.

"Let's go!" I said.

'Wait I want to come!" Grace said.

"Alright you can video tape it!" I smiled.

"If she's coming then I'm coming!" Ava smiled.

"Alright everyone let's go!" I smiled. We all got into Jimmy's car and drove to Trace's house.

"Wait is that Jess's car?" JImmy asked me.

"Yeah." I said.

"Does Trace's wife know about Trace and Jess?" Ava asked me. Save

"No." I smiled.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Jimmy asked me.

"If you're thinking that we should tell Joanna about them in front of Trace and Jess, Then yes I am." I smiled. We all smiled at eachother and got out of the car. We then walked to the front door and I knocked. Joanna soon opened the door.

"Justin? Jimmy? What are you guy's doing here?" She asked us. She then looked at Ava and Grace.

"Who are they?" She asked.

"These are our friend's Ava and Grace. Is Trace here?" I said.

"Yeah. But Justin, Jess is here." She said.

"That's okay." I smiled. She nodded and we walked into the house. She led us to the living room where Jess and Trace were.

"Hey Jess! Hey Trace!" I smiled. The looks on their faces when they saw us were priceless. This is gonna be good.

"Hi." They both slowly said.

'What are you doing here Justin?" Trace asked me.

"I came to tell Joanna something. It's a good thing you both are here." I smiled.

"Justin don't." Jess said.

"What did you want to tell me?" Joanna asked me.

"Justin please." Trace said. I ignored him.

"Today Jess confessed to me that her and Trace have been sleeping together." I said. Joanna gasped and looked at Trace.

"Is this true?" She asked him.

"Honey I'm sorry." He said walking towards her.

"No!" She said stepping away from him. She then turned to Jess.

"How could you? I thought you were my friend." She said to her. Jess said nothing back. Joanna then slapped Jess across the face and starting punching her.

I then walked towards Trace and punched him in the face over and over again while JImmy held him still. While all of this was happening Ava and Grace were video taping it all.

I then stopped punching Trace and got in his face.

"Don't you ever talk to me again. Don't you ever try to contact me or my family ever again. Understand?" I said. He slwoly nodded his head and I turned to Jess.

"Same thing goes for you. Don't you ever talk to me again and don't you ever contact me or my family ever again." I said to her. I then turned to Joanna.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way." I apolgized.

"Thank you for telling me." She said.

"If you need anything, call me." I said. She nodded and then pulled Jess and Trace out of the house and we walked out behind them.

"C'mon guy's let's get out of here." I said. They all nodded and we got in Jimmy's car to go back to my mansion.

'Well that was fun." I smiled.

"I feel bad for Joanna though." Ava sighed. We all nodded our heads in agreement.

"Well I better go. Winnie's favorite TV show comes on in about three hours and we always watch it together." Jimmy said. I walked over to Jimmy and hugged him.

"Thanks man." I smiled.

'Anytime little brother." He smiled. He then said goodbye to us and left.

"Do you need ice for your hand Justin?" Grace asked me.

"Yeah." I laughed. She laughed and went to the kitchen to get me ice.

"Thank God Grace is a nurse." Ava laughed.

"Yeah." I laughed. Grace then came back with the ice pack.

"Nurse Grace to the rescue."Ava laughed.

"Thanks Grace." I smiled. She handed me the ice pack and I put it on my hand.

"You're welcome." She smiled.

"So you guys want to watch some movies?" I asked them.

"Yeah." They both said.

For the rest of my day off we watched movies and told stories.

'Cause it's like you're my mirror  (A Justin Timberlake Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang